Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • Jirafas ep 2011

    Jirafas EP feets
    4.winter age
    5.mama pony
    7.ultimo stunami
    8.vegetable guy

    Crab – 2011

  • klystrack 1.5.2 released

    klystrack 1.5.2 has been released. klystrack is a PC/Mac chip tracker.

    New stuff (in addition to fixes):

    * Wavetable compression
    * Frequency inaccuracy parameter (for Atari VCS/XL kind of dissonance)
    * New example songs


  • Analog – Cruzando El Cielo (CP-033)

    Chippanze records, South America’s one and only low-bit netlabel based in São Paulo, Brazil, hits 33 releases with Chile’s Analog and his new EP, “Cruzando el Cielo”.

    Official blurb:

    Certain situations or processes in every day life can be represented as a journey through a barrier that is inside our minds. The sky, in Earth’s gravid moments, has represented an explicit impossibility of surpassing it by our own means. To this effect, we are used to build an axis in which we live – and as if we saw it through a beam of light -, we are capable of overcome difficulties and subvert what’s unattainable. From our memories of a carefree childhood, in communion with the people we love or maybe the desire of grabbing what cannot be gotten a hold of, comes the desire to make this little record”

    Get ready for some melodic sugar-ness made with Game Boy and latin powa :P

    Download the album here


  • SNAIL – Weiss Hektär

    AndrewKilpatrick says:

    Snail – Weiss Hektär
    Lowtoy Net Label / LWT04

    The first album from Snail is carefully created and composed to represent the feeling of a real videogame soundtrack. From the first levels, to the final battles with the evil bosses passing trough all the different feelings of an entire adventure. Made with Game Boy DMG and LSDJ.


    1 – Startup.
    2 – Weiss Hektär.
    3 – Fire Plane Planet.
    4 – Stratofighter Blip Blip.
    5 – Fröhnfrist.
    6 – Mentha Cave.
    7 – Siren.
    8 – Melvin's Mop.
    9 – Staff Scroll.

  • Tom Woxom – Robot

    Tom Woxom – Robot

    Ro- Or Nanobot, Who Cares ?
    For Robots
    Guru Meditation
    Herz Aus Gold
    Electric People
    Robot Or Nanobot ? | remix by Low Bit Revolte
    For Robots Friendly Floater Mix | remixed by Rico Zerone


    A propos de la sortie

    Robot, a new album by Tom Woxom

    Robot is the 2nd album from the German artist Tom Woxom, and marks the 15th release from Da! Heard It Records. This album is more personal and more polished : the Amiga 500 specialist has added a pinch of Gameboy Classic and some Commodore 64. Dedicated robot rights activist, Tom Woxom devotes this album and most of its tracks to them. He fights for a more equal world, and freedom of the robots.

    It’s an 8-bit electro work, which some will sometimes venture to call “technoid”, the perfect word to conceptualize his artistic approach. As in his first album, Tom used sounds generated directly by his Amiga, the C64 or the DMG-01 and modified them in several ways. Best Amigavocals through a Vocoder.

    Just taking one track, Ro or Nanobot, who cares? is a perfect example of Tom using his Amiga 500 for vocals. Amiga sonorities arranged in throbbing rythms set this track apart by its clarity and beauty.

    A bit of help by Low Bit Revolte during post-prodution rendered the end product more sleek and sparkly. Robot is an personal, almost intimate album but Tom Woxom nonetheless he is honored by Low Bit Revolte and Rico Zerone remixing two of his tracks.

    Undeniably, Robot has opened a new page in Tom’s book of music. One definitely recognizes the mark of the artist, refined, affirmed and enriched by his artistic research.

    via Tom Woxom – Robot | Da ! Heard It Records.