Category: Chipmusic
Toons from various consoles.
Various Artists/The Dark Side of the Moon – The 8-bit Album/Pterodactyl Squad
“Although attempted numerous times before, Pterodactyl Squad have finally done the original album justice with the definitive 8-bit interpretation of Pink Floyd’s progressive rock classic. Produced as an 8-bit mirror of the original, the music on this release was created using sounds from various old games consoles including the Sega Mega Drive and Nintendo Game Boy.”
1. Speak to Me/Breathe – Bit_Rat
2. On the Run – EvilWezil
3. Time – khades
4. The Great Gig in the Sky – Rabato
5. Money – sergeeo
6. Us and Them – Videogame Orchestra
7. Any Colour You Like – Jason Vincion
8. Brain Damage – echosignal
9. Eclipse – Temp Sound Solutions -
Reformat – V/A
OK. First of all, I had nothing to do with this.
Last October on my birthday, my roommate Mike Lerman (a.k.a. Fuckjazzforaminute, and the man at the wheel of Austin’s killer Datapop event series) handed me a giftwrapped object of the size and shape typical of what you’d expect from a standard CD jewel case. So far so good. But unwrapping it I realized that there was nothing typical or standard about it, AT ALL. The tracklist on the back of the CD had stuff in there like “Saskrotch: Paper Chase Init_” and “nordloef: Activation Theme” and “IAYD: Reformat The Planet.” OBVIOUS JOKE, right? A well-meant prank. Well Mike put it on to prove to me otherwise, and sure enough he had, in fact, who knows how long ago, hatched a secret plan to be revealed on my birthday, to enlist nearly two dozen people from the chip community, for some unfathomable reason, to cover songs from Information Chase, a saccharine and sophomoric EP I’d put out five years ago. And the tracklisting was like a who’s-who of the chipmusicians I respect and admire the most, like Random, cTrix, Bud Melvin, nordloef, Sievert, Henry Homesweet, little-scale, Saskrotch, and so on and so on. So it took some time for me to wrap my brain around it, but ultimately I came around to accepting that this thing was real. Five months later, I still am no closer to finding the words to express my awed gratitude, or the mixture of emotions I’ve been experiencing ever since. It’s POSSIBLE that when we got to Coova’s track on the comp (“Reformat The Planet”), that I MIGHT have shed a tear. But it was just watery eyes from allergies. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Tracklisting after the jump
Retro City Rampage Remix Competition – $400 in Prizes – Only One Week Left! – DUE Mar 28th
Main details:’ve also just released MIDI and FL Studio versions to help make it even easier !
MIDI: channels are: 1- Pulse1, 2-Pulse2, 3-Triangle, 4-Noise(hi hats), 5-Kick, 6-Tom, 7-Snare
FL Studio: Monday March 28th.
CTUK LSDJ Showdown
Controllerthrow, in cooperation with Nonelectronics, are proud to announce the first ever CTUK LSDJ Showdown. This is an international LSDJ song writing contest. The winner will receive 1 “prosound” modified Gameboy (original), with a Nonfinite Backlighting Kit preinstalled (v2 with on/off switch), and emblazoned with an official CTUK decal. Also included will be 1 64MB EMS Cartridge (rewritable), with a registered version of LSDJ preinstalled. Roughly a $200.00USD value, entirely free to the winner, shipped anywhere in the world. To all contestants and runners up is the potential for feature in our Chiptune Focus series or Podcast, and the opportunity to be paired with game developers from all over the globe.
Awesome Force
Michael “Bibin” Moffitt
James of Br1ght Pr1mate
NonfiniteVisit Controllerthrow for full details.