Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • Chetreo – A Year Of Change

    Chiptune/Blip-Pop mixed with vocals.


    1. The Boy Without A Fairy
    2. All The Things We Did
    3. Stand Up Tall
    4. Keep Dreaming, It Wont Get Any Better Than This
    5. The Boy Without A Fairy (Zantos! Remix)

  • Neurobit – Till It All Fades Away / Percussive Movement In Streaming Pulses (7″)


    Neurobit got signed by Hollands best known electronica label Enfant Terrible. His debut 7inch is out now. Neurobit is currently recording his album. The second 8inch vinyl is planned for release in April of this year.

    This is the promo text from the labels website:

    8 bit spectacle…
    Neurobit was already present on the Kamp Holland compilation and in several reviews his track was picked as one of the highlights from that release. This is the first official release of Neurobit on Enfant Terrible. Expect some bleeping psychedelics like an 8 bit version of Klaus Schulze and Terry Riley. Recommended to fans of minimal electronics, psychedelic music and chip tunes alike!


    A Till It All Fades Away
    B Percussive Movement In Streaming Pulses

    Selected press quotes:

    “Herausgekommen ist eine mysteriöse Platte, die zwei elektronische Experimente abliefert, die irgendwo zwischen Kraftwerk (die weniger poppige Seite) und elektroakustischer Musik im Stile von Artemiy Artemiev anzusiedeln ist. … Würde sich auch gut als Soundtrack zu einem 70er Jahre Science Fiction-Film aus Russland eignen.” (Backagain)

    More info, soundclips and artwork can be found here:

    For more info, interviews etc.. contact Neurobit at:

  • Chip In: Japan! Compilation Fundraiser v1 is out!

    We have the first release of the Chip Community Fundraiser for the victims of the Japan Disasters. You can find more information, and donate to download the first 41 (with more to be added) tracks of this compilation. If you cannot donate, please spread the word!

    TRUE CHIP TILL DEATH • Chip In: Japan!.

  • CheeseCutter 0.4.0 Appeared

    New C64 tracker for Windows with source, based on Goattracker? Anyone give it a try yet?

