Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • SuperNsf PCM and PSG driver appeared

    Coda write:

    it uses $4011 to do cpu
    cycle-timed software mixing at around 12khz (different rate, and
    different driver for each number of PCM channels from 1 to 4) and
    supports some basic instrument macros like mml/famitracker. the cpu
    cycle timing actually causes the pitch to vary slightly relative to
    the PSG channels across different players, but not
    catastrophically. of course whatever the driver does also causes
    seeking to break in many players. Downloadand info.

  • the villain – klavier 8 bits version

    Fl studio VST 8 bits commodore 64 link album:/

  • Diamonds & Dynamite – Breen Slap

    Download for free
    ///Diamonds & Dynamite///Brian Slop///More Than 30 More
    Minutes///Nanoloop 2.3///Brian Slop///Diamonds & Dynamite///
    ///A follow up to the VOID DREAM VORTEX///

  • UBI019 – Various Artists – Up

    1. C-jeff — Ocean Backwards
    2. Virt — First Flight
    3. Blitz Lunar — Mathsma Attack
    4.Heosphoros — Triple Point
    5. nq\skrju — Up to Sunshine Avenue
    6. coda — the magnificent meat shower
    7. Zan-zan-zawa-veia — Last Sppr
    8. Shnabubula — Spongetta in the Studio
    9. Maxo — Twirling Star
    10. Jork— Cellular Interference
    11. Derris-Kharlan — Forcystus

    UP, a compilation of 11 songs, based on progressive music elements is released. Let the polyrhythms and virtuoso solos be your guides to
    the New Year! “There are no rules of architecture for a castle in
    the clouds.” — G. K. Chesterton

  • I/O NYC – JAN 10 2011 – ROCKMAN | ZEN ALBATROSS | NOTE! | 21+ FREE

    I/O Chip Music NYC

    Monday Jan 10 2011

    Ramiro Navarro, aka Rockman, has been completing his studies in visual
    arts, at the ASAB (superior academy of arts in Bogota, Columbia). His art is based in noise and 8 bit sounds, and consists in the composing of his own sequences directly on a classic Nintendo Gameboy.

    Zen Albatross
    Zen Albatross is a chip musician, artist and journalist from Brooklyn, NY who likes to write about art, airships, bleeps, bloops and other swell things.

    “I’m a person. Making music. In a place. With toys. Meant for tots.. ”

    visuals by:


    Niagara Bar
    112 Avenue A
    corner of 7th St and Ave A
    New York NY 10009

    F train to 2nd Ave/6 train to Astor Place

    Google Map:

    I/O is a monthly chip music and visuals show in New York City’s Lower
    East Side. I/O is free to play and free or low cost to attend, with the aim of
    providing exposure and new audiences for chip musicians and visualists.

    presented by Alphabet City Soup
    hosted by The Antagonist Art Movement

    IOFlyerJan102010LETTER.jpg (40 KB)

    IOFlyerJan102010LETTER.jpg (40 KB)