Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • PR8: First Video with Audio from Neil Baldwin

    The start is abrupt because there’s no play/stop controls etc. just yet. I’ve still only got 2 tracks working so far and we begin with a sort of bass line on the first (top) track. It’s only using square A as you can see by the little red light in the drum patch next to the ‘A’.

    The first two notes have a pitch sweep applied by setting trigger values in the pattern to affect the LFO width (with a LFO speed of 00, the LFO effectively is a pitch sweep).

    Read More PR8: First Video with Audio.

    And check out the 2nd video as well.

  • Chipdisco updated to 0.2

    ChipdiscoDJ is a twin-deck MOD/XM/S3M player, set up like DJ software and with many of the same features. Needless to say, because modules are much better than MP3s, WAVs and other rendered audio files, you can do very cool stuff by digging into the notes as they’re calculated and played on the fly by the player engine. Adjust speed without adjusting pitch! Change pitch without altering speed! Mute individual instruments or channels! Trigger sub-pattern loops (a la Ableton Live) with pinpoint timing accuracy! Also, because modules are usually very small, you can roll up to a party with ChipdiscoDJ and a bunch of tunes on a floppy disk and kill that shit dead. No floppies? Don’t worry – you can queue up files from other websites by copying the URLs. Aaaawesome.

    Chipdisco : Built with Processing.

  • Today – freezedream now available digitally

    The IDM chipmusic-on-chip album ‘Today’ was released as a physical 16-bit cartridge for the Sega Megadrive/Genesis video game console. The sound is generated at playtime by the Yamaha YM2612 FM synthesizer chip that is built into the console.

    The concept is to do away with the conventional audio recording which is the standard format for practically all music now released.

    Breathing new life into this obsolete Sega console in 2010, ‘Today’ aims to reinvigorate interest in old hardware and the idea of listening to music where the sound is generated each time you listen.

    This music has now been captured from the real hardware and made available for purchase.
    released 02 December 2010
    Music, Artwork, PCB Design & Assembly: freezedream (Nathan Stanley)

    Coding/Testing: Alex Cichowski – Thankyou so much for your long hours working out bugs and optimizing things. :)

    Player Code: Shiru & Alone Coder

    Today | freezedream.

  • Wizwars – Telstar Arcade

    released 01 December 2010
    All songs by Kevin Hagge
    Mastered by Bit_Rat (Josiah Tobin)
    Art by Bit_Rat (Josiah Tobin)


  • Edward Shallow – Shock

    1. Tower
    2. Merchant
    3. Submerged

    This EP was written in New York, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Germany and England. All tracks were then destroyed. The mental process was then reiterated and the combined total of 16 weeks work was rewritten from memory on Edward Shallow’s return to Scotland.
