Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • NTRQ V1.6 – Attack Of The Clone

    Mr. Baldwin has updated NTRQ to 1.6. New Features include:

    Pattern Cloning

    Something you should probably be aware of: I had to modify the NTRQ file format slightly to accommodate the clone/purge feature. This means that from V1.6 onwards, older .sav files will not be compatible. However, starting with V1.6, if you load up NTRQ with an older .sav file it will be automatically upgraded to V1.6 data format. The same also applies to the NSF outputter. It has been updated for V1.6 too and is not compatible with older .sav files. To re-output your old .sav files as NSF you need to first “load” and “save” them (however that happens on your platform of choice) with V1.6 (onwards) first.


    DPCM Changes

    Funnily enough, I’d been working on the changes to DPCM before I was talked into releasing the cloning feature. As such it’s still in a state of flux somewhat but the changes so far definitely make DPCM usage better (or at least more interesting :) )

    via NTRQ V1.6 – Attack Of The Clone.

  • Xmp modplayer for Android appeared

    The Extended Module Player, or xmp, is a portable command-line module player for Unix and Unix-like systems such as Linux, BSD, Solaris, HP-UX and MacOS X, and also QNX, BeOS, Windows, OS/2 and AmigaOS. Xmp plays over 90 mainstream and obscure module formats from Amiga, Atari, Acorn, Apple IIgs and PC. There are experimental plugins for Audacious, Beep Media Player, XMMS and Winamp.


    Thanks Peter Kirn!

  • Shiftwave Bootleg

    Record directly off main sound board at Shiftwave at the Vera Project.

    artists in order of performance

    boys club

    due to technical issues (recorder ran out of memory) fighter x’s set was not recorded

    we all had a lot of fun and thought that you might like to listen as well

    zip can be found here


    After spending months writing, recording and producing MKE OR BRK, Sydney’s Ten Thousand Free Men & Their Families (aka 10k aka 10kfreemen) has pushed out a second group of songs which he has creatively titled Another. This EP pushes further into what 10k calls “chipunk” – the art of screaming over a Nintendo Game Boy backing track. This time around the emphasis was put on getting it recorded quickly, having a great time and getting it out, rather than the continuous pursuit of perfection. Some would say Another is like the older brother or sister to MKE OR BRK, it is a little older, a little wiser and it doesn’t care as much at all. Another is raw, punk, chip and funny as hell and it is all laced with the “fuck off” attitude you love to hate – even the cover art is left of centre (literally). Get it now, while it is cool to do so. Hate it later.


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    Making of video coming soon.


  • TCTD Interview with AY-Riders’ Yerzmyey

    This week TCTD talks to Yerzmyey, organizer of AY Riders, producer of awesome tunes, lover of the z80 and generally all round amazing guy. So thanks very much to Yerz for being so generous with his time and lets get down to business!

    Lazerbeat – Where are you from?

    Yerzmyey – Ah, well. I come from Rubber Planet. ;) A place where all computers have rubber keyboards. ;) Well, actually that’s not exactly true. :) ZX Spectrum was highly popular in PL, in 80s and early 90s, however, somehow it stopped suddenly and now literally only a few people support the machine here. Cry, cry! As for geography matters ;) , my mother’s family came here from Czech and Austria (in that time it was connected with Hungary) and my father came here from Lithuania.

    LB – It looks like you have been active in the Demo scene for for over 20 years. How old were you when you founded H-PRG? Why did you start it?

    Y – First programs we made with Mr Hangman about 1987. We were 12 years old or so, in those days. :) We were only making games (just occasionally some simple pseudo-demos, haha). The games were not that bad actually :) – ugly but playable. Sadly in those times the only thing we had for saving the progs – was a tape-recorder, so the games didn’t survive to the present day, heh. Our the earliest programs that have survived come from 1989, so I took the date as a beginning of the HOOY-PROGRAM group. :)

    And what is funny, it wasn’t me who started all of this, it was my younger brother (who isn’t very interested in 8-bit nowadays, after all) who met Mr Hangman – and HE started making ZX games with him. :) I only joined them. But then my brother lost interest (well, not in playing games but in making them :) ), and I stayed. In this way we founded a team. ;)

    They were funny times. :) I remember that we had to be very careful and save our programs very often because every time Mr Hangman’s refrigerator/fridge turned on – then ZX Spectrum got reset, hahaha. :)

    Also, while loading (from tape of course) everybody was forced to leave to room, so as not to disturb the loading process. (more…)