Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • lsvj appeared

    New LSDJ inspired visuals sequencer by Sidabitball

    LSVj is a Vj software, coupled with a sequencer.

    Part of software logic and interface is based on some trackers softwares, especially LSDj.

    The aim of lsvj is to be able to vj with low definition pictures and animations (ex: animated gif files) AND to get a strong link between music and animation.

    This software respect the ‘low quality’ of the pictures, by preserving their pixelised aspect. Some Vj call this a problem, but here, we call it a feature :)





    He Also released:
    ChrStudio v1.0.0.5
    ChrStudio is a Image to 8×8 blocs converter. Its primarly goal is to convert any image or animation into PETSCII.

    Webcam Studio v1.0.0.5
    Webcam studio is a frame grabber software, that let you use your webcam (or any recognised video source) to produce StopMotion and TimeLapse animation.
    The file format is compatible with LSVj and LSVj phrase editor.

    Thanks to Tristian

  • Hard Soft Synth F Now available

    HSS3f demo from Gijs on Vimeo.

    HSS3f kit

    11 selectable synths.
    analog lowpass filter.
    demo video here

    – line out
    – trigger out
    – trigger in
    – ir in
    – ir out
    – ftdi

    More info about this device can be found here.

    Costs: 60,- euro.

    Shipping costs:
    8,- euro, EU

    Homemade stuff by Gijs.

  • Raül Peix’s Insane DMG Mod

    Game Boy DMG adapted in a larger box with some modifications: – Random glitch selector – Distortion Potentiometers – Glitch video out – RCA Pro Sound – Noise generator and one chanel insert. With a 16 steps analog motor sequencer to control the pitch, mute and retrigger notes and a 8 steps digital sequencer to sequence the analog sequencer.


  • Tracker Hero AGA Beta released

    Tracker Hero is a musical game for the Amiga that uses MOD song files.

    It can be played with keyboard, Joystick or Guitar (Using Paul Willingham’s PS2
    to Amiga adapter). Using this adaptor it should be playable with dance mat’s

    It has been developed on an Amiga 1200 and WinUAE using Amiblitz2, Personal
    Paint, Protracker and some other tools.

    It is still on Beta and therefore contains some bugs.

    Download here.

  • BubsyMOD-dingux appeared

    After working days on this, I feel it’s time to release a test version for you guys. You might ask yourself- Why code this when he have GMU which already plays ProTracker modules?  Well, I do this for fun, and my player is even more ProTracker accurate (and supports the EF0-EFF effect). Also, it has got a cool pattern viewer! I know there are some bugs and small stupid things, but I’ll fix them in a later revision

    via [RELEASE] BubsyMOD-dingux r20100526.