Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • NTRQ Carts Available

    Mute City wrote:

    I have very proud to but making cartridges of the world’s first native NES music tracker!
    I can’t wait to see what new flavor this will bring chiptune!

    It was made by Neil Baldwin and he has been just giveing a way the ROM, check out the NTRQ blog.

    Is neil getting any of the profits from these carts? Well yes and no, I asked him did he want a share but he would like it to go to charity. So for ever cartridge I sell 5 dollars will go to Cancer Research.

    via MuteCity DMGs.

  • A new resource about MML !

    Hello everybody,

    I present to you a new MML resource ! Hope you like ! ;) Note : I found rare files on japanese websites !

    Comments and suggestions are welcome!
    Thank you!

  • Elk + Owl on Chipflip

    Apart from some Nintendo handhelds, they use an electronic wind instrument which gives the music a lot of life, compared to many other low-bit improvisations. The music is downtempo and quite floaty, sort of the opposite to the majority of static sounding hyper-pop chip-eti-hop non stop. They told me they’ve put a lot of effort in editing the jams down to ‘consumable portions’, which not everybody succeeds with.

    via CHIPFLIP.

  • YM_Mini USB Hardware Synth released!

    The synth has 3 channels or square waves, a stereo noise channel, and a bizarre envelope generator for strange volume envelope effects. I’ve programmed it to work entirely via midi channels 1,2,3 & 10 (for noise), with the envelope and registers controlled via midi CCs. It has pitch-bend, and velocity control and uses a look-up table for fast pitch accuracy. So far tested to work on OS X and Windows with several software and hardware setups.

    via /*