New video of Paza Rahm’s new work!
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Toons from various consoles.
New video of Paza Rahm’s new work!
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Temp Sound Solutions is usually one guy, Shawn Phase, and, I think, more electronics oriented. This is the full band version of TSS. I’ve yet to tape TSS’s solo act, but I’m really digging the band. The songs are mostly themes from various video games, with one cover (I think it’s excellent, though, to be honest, I’ve yet to hear the original) by Megadeth.
via GM4a via Beatbots A/V Club
At $15.95 USD this double disc deal is so hot it should be on
Demon Tea is proud to present the third official album by Swedish genre defying electronic music producer Simon Rahm aka Psilodump. Psilodump’s sound may be hard to define or explain, but could be vaguely described as flexible, eclectic and maybe even somewhat schizoid. Filled with small details, lush melodies, mysterious darkness, complex but groovy rhythms, clever cuts and breaks, shifting or parallel moods, spiced up with a wild imagination, on the edge to overkill, Psilodump still manages to deliver a recognizable “Psilodumpish” sound. What at one moment is lively, wild, energetic, loud and hard, can the next be quiet, passive, mechanical and/or neurotic, if not all entirely at the same time.
Little-Scale’s midi interface for the Sega Master System, now supports the Game Gear. For more information on the prohject:
You can find out more information about it here: … r%20system
I have also created a google announcement group:
“This is an announcement group for the Sega Master System MIDI interface project by little-scale. Please be patient as the release date is not yet set for the SMSM. By joining this group, you will be one of the first people to be notified when this item will be available.”
join here:
And how does it sound?
Fib Gibbley has recently posted on the NESdev BBS an XML script for Notepad++ that highlights pertinent PPMCK (a 2a0x MML parser) commands and context.
Pretty text for MML, wootz! :D