Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • On the Japan Tip..

    kami68k writes in with the following updates:

    The NSF Player for the Gameboy Color has been updated (the last version was from like years ago)

    YMCK updated their Magical 8-Bit Plugin for the Mac:

    NRTDRV, the MML Compiler / Driver for the Sharp X1 has been released to the public (+ they posted a new demosong today):

  • Heosphoros’ Embered Recollections

    heoHeosphoros has a new NSF EP and ROM album uploaded at, the chiptune upload site. Amazing artwork and stunning doom chip anxiety in every frame of music.

  • The Shizz Top 30 NES Soundtracks

    logo3An introduction to the June daily countdown to the #1 NES soundtrack-

    A couple months ago, members of the Minibosses / shizz message board cast their votes for their favorite classic Nintendo soundtracks. Inspired by previous polls held like the top 10 SNES games, I organized two rounds of voting. The first was a week long open vote, where members were asked to choose and rank their favorite soundtracks. Everything was fair game, including Japanese and European exclusive titles.

    via » G-E Presents: The Shizz Top 30 NES Soundtracks.

  • Japanator review: 8bit Prophet

    Now, all three of these great tastes are smooshed together into one awesome collection from VORC Records. Titled 8bit Prophet: TM Network Tribute – Generated by Chiptuine & Vocaloid, the album consists of eleven songs from a wide range of chiptune producers, wrapped into one incredibly beautiful package (illustrated by TOKIYA.) Follow me across the jump for a full review and sound clips!

    via Japanator review: 8bit Prophet | | Japan Blog & Community for English Speakers.

  • New Pixelh8 DS Program Previewed.

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Sounds like this is the first Pixelh8 program that really has lots of useful live performance tools. As someone who has been mostly disappointed by the DS offerings, this looks like it will be a very useful program.

    The Pixelh8 Music Tech Master Stroke DS is a real time synthesizer for the Nintendo DS system it allows for extensive sound design and is the natural evolution of the Music Tech Series allowing for the classic chip tune sound on a modern device.

    The new system allows for keyboard style play by pressing “X” to bring up the 2 Ocatve Xylophone or classic Music Tech mode by using the directional pad to control the sounds in the same way as the Music Tech Game Boy and Pro Performer Game Boy Advance.

    via Pixelh8.