This is the second part of our interview with Nanoloop creator Oliver Wittchow. We posted the first part earlier this week, you can find it here.
LB – You started selling the cartridge in 1999, how did you go about producing the hardware?
Toons from various consoles.
This is the second part of our interview with Nanoloop creator Oliver Wittchow. We posted the first part earlier this week, you can find it here.
LB – You started selling the cartridge in 1999, how did you go about producing the hardware?
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Alex Mauer and No-Carrier do it again with this commercial music-cart production! Alex’s music and art are professional and stunning paired with No-Carrier’s visuals coding experience.
Alex will be playing and the carts will be on sale this Saturday @ 8static in Philadelphia.
Quoting enso on 8bc forums:
His third NES cart album will be on sale for a special $25 price at the show. Afterward it will be available online for $30.
Editor’s note: TCTD will be posting a full review of this soon!
About a month ago, we talked a little about DWD Records and their 2007 Level Up compilation. Now, after an 18 month hiatus they are back with a new URL ( and a new release from everyone’s favorite AY wizard, Yerzmyey. The EP is called Interphase and its a 25 minute, 7 track release with a guest tune from Factor6.
What next from DWD?
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Seb Tomczak, a.k.a. little-scale, has been and is currently working on an equal-tempered, MIDI-controlled TIA.
This is accomplished effectively by turning the TIA into a beeper; like the old ZX Spectrum. A “beeper” is just a chip with audio out pins that can be software modulated. It does not use or have any hardware logic for music. In this case the TIA does, but the available logic is used to modulate a single beep into other waveforms by ascending or descending each sample manually; and then repeating that waveform at a specific rate to generate pitch. The volume in this case instead of modulating the height of the waveform is actually controlled by the TIA hardware.
Where some TIA enthusiasts love the character and its unloved design, those who hadn’t liked the TIA before now have less of a reason.
New 1.1c_38 version (aka ‘the wolfie fuzz’) is out.
New feature:
* There’s a new command ‘IRTG’ to use in tables
IRTG stands for instrument retrigger and will retrigger the current instrument. It gives table the ability to work as progammable phrases that then can be triggered simply by changing tables.
IRTG –yy: will retrigger the current instrument transposed by yy semi-tones. Note that each IRTG transposition is cumulatively added. So a table with
IRTG 0001
in it will keep going a semi tone up. Great for dubby echoes :)
The retriggered instrument is NOT reset (as if you enter a note with no instrument number). The table (obviously) will continue to run and all running variable (filter,etc) won’t be reset
This system is also pretty useful to implement temporary non 4/4 signature without having to switch grooves, since you have the ability to re-trigger the instrument at tick resolution
and don’t forget trying to combine it with complex hop structure !
Works both with audio & midi instruments
Bug fixes
* MIDI on PC: Because MIDI on PC is a bitch to synchronise and that the ONLY system that kind of worked was, surprisingly, the old MMSYSTEM audio system, I’ve re-enabled it as an option. So, if you need good midi sync or good timing, you will NEED to use this. The latency isn’t great but in our case it’s not a problem. To enable the old ass audio system, add an entry in the config.xml with
Then you should enjoy pretty stable midi out
* PSP doesn’t lock anymore when using the exit.
* Fixed the cloning an empty note bug
* Now mute states are reset when reloading a project