Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • Cyber Thrash (live streamed concert)

    Cyber Thrash 1: Clash of the Titans

    The first in what we hope to be an ongoing web concert series is happening on Feb 24 on your computer!

    Featuring: Wizwars, Starpilot, Kloudygirl, Optimus Chad, e.s.c., Greightbit, Thunder Face, and The Ghost Servant

    Join the Facebook event page here to stay informed:

    Organized and hosted by Optimus Chad
    Sponsored and co-hosted by Datathrash Recordings

  • Pineapple Smash Crew Soundtrack | syphus

    Pineapple Smash Crew Soundtrack | syphus

    Soundtrack to Pineapple Smash Crew, available from 2nd of February 2012 from Steam and elsewhere for PC! For up to date Pineapple Smash Crew details, hit up using NI Komplete mainly Reaktor with my ensemble, AHX Tracker on Commodore Amiga 600/1200, Ibanez guitars, Access Virus B, Roland SH-101.Please note: the tracks are designed to loop endlessly in the game. That’s why they all fade out at the end :Big thanks to:Rich Edwards, for creating the awesome Pineapple Smash Crew for which it was a pleasure to write music! Parapete for constructive criticism, and some of the other kind. Pope, Skinny, Aidan, Oz, Chris and everybody else who offered helpful advice along the way. Especially, though, Mia and Leo.

    via Pineapple Smash Crew Soundtrack | syphus.

  • Sarofer Zertaga – Divide by Zero

    Sarofer Zertaga – Divide by Zero



    My newest release, Commodore 64 with SID chip 6581 running Mssiah. Check it out if you like C64 mixed with vocals.

  • SID Master 99 and SID Play 99 Appeared

    SID Master 99 and SID Play 99 Appeared

    Sid Master 99 is a PEB interface cards that integrates an MOS 6581 or MOS 8580 SID chip into the architecture of the TI99/4A as a memory mapped device. It can be accessed through any language that allows normal CPU memory access such as assembly language, Extended BASIC etc. If you can do a CALL LOAD or equivalent then you can access the SID chip. A new vista of never before heard sounds can now be played through your TI99/4A. No sound cables required. It is completely compatible with the existing sound chip on the computer and plays through your monitor or TV..


    via What is SID ? –                    The Destroyer’s TI99/4A Page.