glitchNES is an open source software project for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This software causes graphical glitches similar to hardware circuit-bending. The current version is 0.1 (initial release).
The author was kind enough to answer a few questions about glitchNES:
What do you hope users use glitchNES for?
My hopes are that glitchNES users will have fun with it. I really hope
that it will be used by people to do live visuals at chip shows or other
music events. However, I think it is fun just to tinker with – changing
graphics and playing around with it in an emulator.
Is this a gateway into NES graphics programing?
I think so. There are some people that believe that in order to code for
a certain console or computer that you need to understand the inner
workings of the machine. But what about people that want to experiment,
but don’t want to spend months or years with something to see results?
That is why I went open source with this. I want people to experiment
and alter the existing code. Maybe it’ll work – maybe it won’t, but
either way you’ll learn something. If you decide to go your own way with
NES coding I know some of the routines in glitchNES will be helpful for
future projects.
What is the future of the product?
I’m going to continue to improve upon some of the features by adding
additional controls, implementing sprites, and possibly even sound. I
wanted to keep it simple for now, because I really want people to
experiment with the code. I would be thrilled if users start to
contribute code and graphics, as I would love to include them in future
releases or distribute them separately on my website.