Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • glitchNES Appeared

    glitchnes_002glitchNES is an open source software project for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This software causes graphical glitches similar to hardware circuit-bending. The current version is 0.1 (initial release).


    The author was kind enough to answer a few questions about glitchNES:

    What do you hope users use glitchNES for?

    My hopes are that glitchNES users will have fun with it. I really hope
    that it will be used by people to do live visuals at chip shows or other
    music events. However, I think it is fun just to tinker with – changing
    graphics and playing around with it in an emulator.

    Is this a gateway into NES graphics programing?

    I think so. There are some people that believe that in order to code for
    a certain console or computer that you need to understand the inner
    workings of the machine. But what about people that want to experiment,
    but don’t want to spend months or years with something to see results?
    That is why I went open source with this. I want people to experiment
    and alter the existing code. Maybe it’ll work – maybe it won’t, but
    either way you’ll learn something. If you decide to go your own way with
    NES coding I know some of the routines in glitchNES will be helpful for
    future projects.

    What is the future of the product?

    I’m going to continue to improve upon some of the features by adding
    additional controls, implementing sprites, and possibly even sound. I
    wanted to keep it simple for now, because I really want people to
    experiment with the code. I would be thrilled if users start to
    contribute code and graphics, as I would love to include them in future
    releases or distribute them separately on my website.

  • Shitwave – A PRNG based drone generator for Gameboy

    3377654447_ae9a507890_mLittle-scale recently posted All 4-bit Waveforms That Have 32 Samples, a Max patch that would generate all possible wave frames that could be used with LSDj, given gazillions years. However, the result was a little boring because it would start out as a 1/32 PWM and slowly progress towards a longer and longer PWM. Even within many years, chances are you’d still have a very low duty PWM.

    So I decided to find an algorithm that would produce more interesting sounds and still cycle through all 1632 possibilities. My choice was a Pseudo Random Number Generator using a Linear Feedback Shift Register. Actually not completely unlike the one in the Gameboy’s noise generator.

    However, where the GB’s generator goes through a small number of states, and the buffer constitutes one sample, I’m using the full 16 bytes (32 samples) used in the Gameboy’s wave channel as my shift register. (Equivalent of one frame in the LSDj softsynth)

    via Gameboy Genius » Blog Archive » Shitwave – A PRNG based drone generator for Gameboy.

  • Eat Fuck – Joss

    eatfuckMore fucked up noisy horribly horrible music from Josstin T, or Joss as he’s known to his chums. If you liked Amiga Noize Rave EP 2, chances are you’re gonna love Eat Fuck! And what a charming name for an album!

    via Forums | – Online Chiptune Media Sharing.

  • Sunvox 1.3 is Out

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Here’s what’s new in v1.3:

    • fixed bug with ping-pong loop in the “sampler”;
    • fixed bug with big values in scrollbars;
    • fixed bug with wrong song lenght calculation;
    • fixed bug with panning in the FM synthesizer;
    • new keyboard shortcuts: F9 – play; F11 – play pattern; F12 – stop;
    • added new parameter “P.Modulation” to the “generator” for phase modulation with input signal;
    • added possibility to load samples from RAW and JPEG files;
    • added support of 32-bit (floating point) samples;
    • added new effect 8 – arpeggio;
    • added new effect 9 – set sample offset;
    • added new simple examples: phase_modulation, phase_modulation2, arpeggio;
    • added right-click pop-up menu in the pattern/synth editors;
    • added button for changing the piano keyboard size;
    • added UTF-8 support to engine;
    • pattern icons became resizable in the timeline window;
    • now the timeline and the synths network may be shown at the same time if initial window size is greater than 640×480;
    • inproved ALSA support (thanks to Will Light);
    • updated manual;
    • code optimization;
    • fixed various small bugs.



  • Glomag’s DaMaGe now out!

    8bp095Glomag’s long awaited new release it out, and its fucking killer. Blending artful use of LSDJ with vox, sound design, and mellotron(!), this is defininatly one of my favorite releases of recent memory. Check it out Now. Now I mean it. RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
