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Category: Chipmusic
Toons from various consoles.
Sonic Sanctuary | Burnkit2600
This album was recorded live at our former headquarters, the ancient Odd Fellows building in Danbury Connecticut. In it’s 100 year history, the building was everything from a speakeasy to an artsits’ co-op. For our purpose, the practice space was our Sonic Sanctuary, a haven where we had total creative freedom to develop these works. As such, this album is dedicated to Austé for use of the space and to the old building’s spirit that was channeled into these songs.
Burnkit2600 is indebted to our amazing friends and fans for sticking with us and especially Jitka, Jori and Mei-Ling for their unending support and patience.
Zef Releases Blackout
Zef’s new album Blackout is out! Pay what you think it’s worth; All donations from the first two days are going straight to Johan Kotlinski for his work in developing LSDJ. All funds following that will go on perpetual lend to kiva.org to help people in third world countries get on their feet.
Join the Kiva Chipmusic Fan Team and lets see just how generous the chipscene is! Join up and tell your friends too!Share this around to your friends!
Save files included for LSDJ-ers.
Twitter @ZefMusic -
SID Bass: Jeri Ellsworth’s FPGA-based SID keytar
I haven’t heard of Jeri Ellsworth in a while but every time her name pops up around my news feed is because she’s done something awesome.
This time she has made an hybrid bass guitar-SID chip thing, controlled by an FPGA and using a real SID chip to play the sounds (from both the strings and the Commodore keyboard).
Enough blabber, check out an interview and demo on the first part of this video: