Category: Chipmusic
Toons from various consoles.
KR30 – Cerebral Scars Devastation Sampler
If you missed this before, shame on you.
Goto80: Summer of Seven 5/7
A: Sombanova
B: Mamasita10 years ago I released my first 7?, so this is the right time for another one. A skweee-bossanova that goes drum-machine Squarepusher (?) and a romantic dub-pop song with Acid Terrorist vocals. Available as 7? (only 200 copies) but also as MP3 in all those iTunes-Beatport kind of places. More details at Pingipung’s page.
“TRUE CHIP TILL DEATH” by Timeheater
Stream, download, or purchase CD:
Completing the Timeheater return/farewell Pulsewave package is the one and only full-length “collected works” album originally available only to the show attendees.
Intricate and confounding beats and screeches from the man that coined the phrase “True Chip Till Death”.
A limited number of CDs are also available for $10.00 + shipping and handling. CD purchase includes an immediate digital download of the full album. (see the Bandcamp page for some notes on this)
Released by Datathrash on 8/14/2011