Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • Wronged Chiptune Artist is Mysteriously Avenged

    Wronged Chiptune Artist is Mysteriously Avenged

    This is amazing. And with this, TCTD is on vacation.

    An anonymous sponsor in New York City paid people to put up posters of the album cover on the home of photographer Jay Maisel, who sued over Baio’s work (he took the original photo of Miles Davis used on the chiptune album’s cover), the art adorned with the text “ALL ART IS THEFT”.

    The person responsible, writing anonymously to Hyperallergenic, says:

    I hope that every time Jay leaves the house, he sees these posters—and as he looks at them or tries to tear them down he thinks about how evil what he did was. Maybe he’ll realize that at some level all art borrows from other art, and suing another artist for fair use appropriation undermines all artists. Maybe he’ll feel guilty about being such a thief. And then maybe he’ll think about giving that money back—or donating it to charity or something. But probably not.

    Maybe not the most constructive protest, but then, you can rarely make an artistic statement by being constructive.

    via Wronged Chiptune Artist is Mysteriously Avenged.

  • ronk – whoa

    Anna “Auntie Pixelante” Anthropy, she of Mighty Jill Off and Lesbian Spider-Queens of Mars, posted this splendid animated music video she created for her friend Ronk. It’s a bit NSFW due to some pixelart nudity, and a robot shooting lasers out of its nipples.

    via GameSetWatch

  • [USA, CA] Los Angeles – Darkmatter 10 yr! w/ Somatics, Baseck, Wet Mango + more!

    Saturday July 9th, 2011

    Darkmatter Soundsystem celebrates its 10 year anniversary with very special guests all the way from the UK: Somatic Responses!



    The brothers John and Paul Healy, collectively known throughout the world as Somatic Responses, are still native residents of a small industrial mining community snugly located in the southwest region of Wales. Somatic Responses are into complex dislocated & broken beats, distorted intelligent constructions, fascinating sonic structures, force and sweetness intertwined.

    DISKORE & FIEND (on 4 turntables!)

    … fiend.html




    This will be Baseck’s first show in Los Angeles since moving back from Berlin!



    … x-mix-2011

    9PM TO 4AM
    $12 WITH RSVP
    $15 @ THE DOOR
    [you must e-mail by 5pm the day of the party with your first and last name to receive rsvp discount. One person per e-mail address, NO PLUS 1’s]

    18+ event
    LIMITED CAPACITY! arrive early!
    call the day of event or stay tuned to the darkmatter website and facebook

  • One from the vaults: 500 Things… “High on Hate”

    High On Hate by Dante Jones

    A 30 min mix of pure 1992 amiga toughness.

    Here’s an excerpt from a short email exchange with the artist:

    “Always brings a smile to my face listening to those old tunes. I have a terrible memory but I can remember being unemployed, mixing that 500 Things… demo tape using my A500 and borrowed A500 running through a shitty mixer and mixed live into a VHS machine to record the Audio.” — Dante Jones

  • GVM1 appeared

    The GVM1 is a video mixer that will adjust its own video sync signal, to the video sync signal that is being send into it. Most standard video mixers will buffer the image information, and send out each frame separately according to there own video sync signal. Most likely resulting in a 1 frame delay of the video signal.
