Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • – New Chiptune Community

    We’re proud to announce, the sweetest chiptune community on teh interwebz. Users can upload video, create buddylists, send private messages, and more! Just because the sounds are from 80’s technology doesn’t mean the site has to be! More than just a BBS script, it’s Join now!

  • VGM Music Maker appeared

    I was hoping for a website, but this will have to do:

    v1.01 23.06.11

    + MIDI support is improved, now the editor works with MIDI USB keyboards
    * Wrong file extension has been added to the instrument name on the instrument save
    * *.vge instruments were not displayed in the open instrument dialog
    * Changing instrument number through MIDI marked all the selected instruments
    * PSG mute has not been initialized at start up, probably the reason why PSG sound was absent sometimes
    * Group loading for samples has not worked properly
    * Right mouse button has not worked properly for PSG instruments when used with on-screen keyboard
    * VGM output is optimized, now files are smaller and works better with VGM players for actual Genesis/Mega Drive consoles
    * FM polyphony in the instrument editor is increased to six channels
    – DLL dependency with MSVC 2008 Redistributable is removed

    via VGM Music Maker Page 3 – Sega –

  • Bent Festival begins this week in NYC


    The 2011 Bent Festival will be held at 319 Scholes in Brooklyn, June 23rd – 25th. Bent Festival is an annual art and music festival celebrating DIY electronics, hardware hacking, and circuit bending. Each year we invite artists from across the country and around the globe to perform music with their home-made or circuit bent instruments, teach workshops to adults and children alike, create beautiful art installations and to generally come together, face to face, and showcase the state of the art in DIY electronics and circuit bending culture.

    Featuring the work of some chip artists: Rosa Menkman, Jeff Donaldson, Burnkit 2600, Gijs Gieskes and Loud Objects.

    Twitter: @bentfestival (#bent11)
    Facebook: Bent Festival Facebook
    Photo stream on Flickr:


  • Nestrogen – Cypress Ruin EP

    3 quick tracks written during a 2 week span, representing the fear that I actually believed that I was losing my mind due to fatigue and sleep deprivation. This is my 1st collection of material that was made entirely w/LSDJ.
