Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • L’Obe Dans La Baie

    L’Obe Dans La Baie is a Progressive MIDI Metal album composed by Francois Heosphoros Martin and Jake LaRocque in 06-07.

    1.La Mère a Madame Gauvin
    2.Le Mouvement Intestinale De St-Louis
    5.Réducteur de Radiation Radiophonic
    6.Conclure cette Théorie
    7.L’Élément Déclencheur
    8.Pièce de Thé


  • “21 Years of Disappointment” – ovenrake

  • PB013| Andrew Kilpatrick- Square Wave Octave [Minor]

    Kick starting off this weeks trio of releases from our very own Andrew Kilpatrick is Square Waves Octave [Minor].

    This is Andrew’s first full length album and it does not disappoint. This album as well as its counterpart, to be released later this week, has a theme of sorts, in which each of its expertly crafted tracks steps up a key from the last until eventually the first song is repeated in the opposite modality to lead onto the following album and vice versa. It is as if Andrew had danced along a piano tapping out songs as he moved along. The tracks are solid, with ambient tones, crackling drums and melodies which make you quiver at the knees.

  • PB012| MONODEER- Noise.bmp

    It is Pxl-Bot’s highest pleasure to bring you this ground-destroying piece of work from 8bc fave, MONODEER. Slow, dark and riddled with a sense of despair, this heavily dub inspired debut offering from MONODEER drags you in quickly and smothers you quietly in its’ intoxicatingly suffocating atmosphere. Far from being one dimensional, Noise.bmp leaks lo-fi charm corrupted with its own dark innards taking influence from noise music and a definite doom-esque ting. Far from being one dimensional, MONODEER goes onwards from his pre-established groove-fuelled aggression to inject a healthy amount of hook riddled melody before “Shatter” does as its name suggests. From start to finish this innovative and awe-inspiring release oozes a dark atmosphere from every orifice, creating one of the most refreshingly new sounding chip releases of the year. Think less dubstep, and more darkstep.


  • Bias – minusbaby

    This newly mixed and mastered release includes an alternate version of “Left”; originally released by 8bitpeoples in 2009.

    The second half is an extended (by over twelve minutes) version of “Derecha” [2010], plus a brand new track, “Subimago”.

    The CD version is a shrink-wrapped Digipak®. Upon purchase, let me know if you’d like me to write or draw something inside the white box on the cover..

    via minusbaby.