Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • Derris-Kharlan & Shitbird’s Chicago Space Jam

    AWESOME PARTY AND MUSIC. Our house is still set up like a space station from our last party, and will continue to be that way probably forever.

    ~~~~~~~~~~ LE ROSTER OF ROCKERS~~~~~~~~~~

    OPTIONS (Chicago Indie rock)


    DERRIS-KHARLAN (Australian chippytunes)


    FREUDIAN SLIP (more Chicago Indie rox)


    SHITBIRD (St Louis chip fun-sanity)

    bring your space suit, swag, laser guns, space-beer, kitty cats, Boba Fetts, etc

  • SunVox updated to v1.6.2

    New in this version:
    * quantization noise is reduced by 4 times (on smartphones and pocket computers);
    * added Lo-Fi (fixed point) SunVox versions for slow computers (only for Win32 and Linux x86);
    * improved sound quality of the following modules: Generator, SpectraVoice;
    * new Generator waveforms: half-sine (6); abs-sine (7); pulse-sine with duty cycle (8);
    * added copy and paste of modules;
    * added new control “Velocity” to MultiSynth module;
    * added ASIO support (for Windows only);
    * now Sampler can record signals from another modules; just connect some output module (Generator, for example) to the Sampler and press the “Rec”, “Rec mono” or “Rec LoFi” button under the Sampler controllers; “Rec” – record stereo; “Rec mono” – record mono; “Rec LoFi” – record mono with reduced sampling frequency;
    * added base MIDI IN/OUT in versions for Linux (ALSA), OSX and iOS (CoreMidi), Windows (MM);
    * supported MIDI IN commands: NoteON/OFF;
    * supported MIDI OUT commands: NoteON/OFF; Control Change; Program Change; Bank Select;
    * use controllers with number 80+X to send MIDI Control Change; where the X is MIDI Controller Number; for example: 8100 8000 – set Modulation (MSB and LSB) to the max value;
    * added Input module for audio receiving from microphone or line-in; at the moment only iOS supported; the Input for other systems will be available in the next releases;
    * iOS: added D-pad for more precise cursor positioning in the pattern editor;
    * iOS: added Audio Copy/Paste (Intua Audio Sharing); Sonoma compatible; Where to find: Main menu -> Export/import -> Copy/Paste;
    * iOS: added multitouch support to Touch Theremin;
    * iOS: added multitouch support to piano keyboard;
    * added Preferences (in the Main menu);
    * templates support (in the Preferences);
    * fixed bug with overload of EQ module;
    * added new songs and instruments (samples);
    * many bugs fixed.

    WarmPlace.Ru. SunVox synthesizer.

  • syphus – pro.tect

    pro.tect is a lovingly prepared collection of Syphus’ work from 2007 to 2011 – almost entirely unheard, outside of his live shows. Though the tracks have been mastered for more ear-friendly and mp3-friendly listening, they were all made using AHX (Amiga), HivelyTracker (Amiga), Protracker (Amiga) and FastTracker2/MilkyTracker (PC).

    Listen for free here on Bandcamp; if you decide to buy and download the album, as well as high quality mp3/FLAC/etc files and the full-size cover artwork, you also get 3 bonus tracks!

    For more details, and for free mp3s and modules, visit

    For the morbidly curious, here’s a breakdown of file formats, the number of audio channels used and the original module filesize:
    01: AHX/4ch/8kb, 02: AHX/4ch/16kb , 03: FT2/14/81kb, 04: FT2/6ch/25kb, 05: FT2/4ch/44kb, 06:FT2/16/75kb, 07: PT/4ch/12kb, 08: AHX/4ch/20kb, 09: HVL/12ch/13kb, 10: FT2/4ch/36kb, 11: FT2/24ch/255kb, 12: FT2/8ch/35kb, 13: FT2/12ch/94kb, 14: HVL/4ch/6kb



    The debutante release from everyone’s favorite chip funk dudes who do it live with they hands. All programming and sequencing happened in the brain and stayed there.

    You’ll definitely hear some “human glitches” on this release. Yeah, they could have gotten fixed, but that kinda defeats the purpose of all this doesn’t it? Please enjoy the slop being served up here… them shrimps sure had a good time putting it together.

    SAY IT AND PLAY IT… S H R I M P S !!!!!

    Nab it for free HERE!

  • Strawberry Muck – Baseck/Red Shift/Strangloop

    This free EP is a collection of all the various forms that Baseck’s track, Muck, has gone through since it’s initial creation. It includes the original track from the album Creatures out on Subconscious Communications, a remix by Red Shift, a remix by Strangeloop and an alternate version of the Strangeloop edit featuring scratching/turntablism by Baseck, bringing it all full circle.

    Baseck’s original song is a grimey lofi punk banger made with only the bootleg gameboy sequencer LSDJ and a small noise toy. Red Shift takes the central melody and embellishes it with ethereal synths and a sharp clicky hip hop beat transforming it into a whimsical yet robust dancey jam he renames Strawberry. Brainfeeder artist, Strangeloop, propels this seemingly endless melodic riff even further adding glitchy other worldly samples and spacious thrashy beats that undulate creating an entrancing cosmic noise.

    For your listening pleasure:

    Direct Zip File Link:

    Strawberry Muck the remixes EP Track Listing:
    Track 1: Muck – Baseck (Original)
    Track 2: Muck (Strawberry Edit by Red Shift)
    Track 3: Muck (Strange Utopia Edit by Strangeloop)
    Track 4: Muck (Strange Utopia Edit by Strangeloop with Scratching by Baseck)

    To get individual track links visit:

    In addition to all the change ups this track has seen… it has now taken on a new life as the dreamy music set to an amazing kaleidoscopic video by Fragonard Berscht. Appropriately it is the Strangeloop edit that has transcended into this new form.
    For your viewing pleasure…

    For more work by Fragonard Berscht (aka Laskfar Vortok, Naboa, and V1de0 D1ab3t3s)
    check out Fragonard Berscht on… Vimeo:

    More from Strangeloop visit:

    More from Baseck visit:

    To get the original full length album Creatures please visit: