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Amiga • Chipmusic • software

DigiBooster 3 beta 22

Public beta 22 of DigiBooster 3 tracker has been released for MorphOS, AmigaOS 4 (PowerPC) and AmigaOS 3 (M68k). Beta is available for free download at

Amiga • Chipmusic • Labels • Releases

Joss Manley – Amiga Dispair

Joss Manley slapping it down wide once again. Expect crazy acid squelch, intricate beats, breaks and mush all painstakingly put together with his trusty Amiga 1200 and Octamed. Oh and there are some raps too. Great.


Amiga • Chipmusic • Mixes • Releases

One from the vaults: 500 Things… “High on Hate”

High On Hate by Dante Jones

A 30 min mix of pure 1992 amiga toughness.

Here’s an excerpt from a short email exchange with the artist:

“Always brings a smile to my face listening to those old tunes. I have a terrible memory but I can remember being unemployed, mixing that 500 Things… demo tape using my A500 and borrowed A500 running through a shitty mixer and mixed live into a VHS machine to record the Audio.” — Dante Jones

Amiga • videos

Blipfest 2011 from Viva Amiga Documentary

Chiptune artists ctrix, 4Mat, Stagediver and Bit Shifter at Blipfest 2011…using Amigas in live performances and proclaiming their awesomeness. Check ctrix also playing a Gatari! (DIY atari guitar).

via YouTube

Amiga • Animation • C64 • Chipmusic • Game Boy Classic • Live Events • Mixes • Music Artists • Releases • Tour Diaires • Visual Artists

8GB – Live in Tokyo 2010


Official blurb:

In his first time in Japan (and Asia), 8GB delivers a mighty blow to an unsuspecting Tokyo crowd at the fantastic first installment of Blip Festival Tokyo in Koenji High, Tokyo, Japan, September 5th 2010.


via 8GB’s official feed

Don’t forget, 8GB’s latest track is available in the Chip in: Japan fundraising compilation!