Category: C64

  • Droid Song/The Empty Construct/CHKDISBRK


    This is another one of my releases that came out a few days ago. It was made on gameboys, psps, and commodores so its a true chip/micro music album. Here is a little blurb I wrote about the album:

    I’ve had these songs lying around for a while and I decided someone might like to listen to them. I’ve been working on a new style of music and I’m transforming my sound so these are a little different from my newest stuff but nonetheless its some fun chipmusic. And thanks to my friend Nick Newland for putting together the art. Enjoy

  • MSSIAH CTRL Hardware Controller

    This is MSSIAH CTRL – a custom DIY hardware control mod for the Mssiah synth.

    If you’re not familiar with MSSIAH it is a cartridge for the Commodore 64 that turns the 64 into a MIDI synth module.

    via Synthtopia.

  • YM-64, YM player for Commodore 64

    This somehow passed under my radar.
    YM-64 is a YM music player for the Commodore 64. It takes YM files and converts them either to a program or a SID file.
    The problem I see at this moment is that I think the source code or tools to make this conversion are not available (yet?), however, you can get your ears wet with thousands of YM files already converted to SID or PRG form. I am just thinking there’s a bunch of cool cross-platform possibilities here, since the sound is not 100% exact, you could make new types of sounds in the C64 I believe. Also, YM/AY artists can compose for the C64 :D

    You can mess around and change waveforms the emulator uses on the fly, also filter the sound. It’s kinda fun :P

    Here’s the link to the player.

  • KR044 – Joss Manley – tybe f (C64)

    Seriously minimal C64 acidy techno. Kick drums and basslines only!
