Category: Releases
Surrender – 4mat
Surrender is the second chipmusic album by 4mat. It comes with 4 bonus tracks and an extra gift.credits
via Surrender | 4mat.
Chromix Vs. Kris Keyser – C\KK.PW1-11
One continuous 15 minute mix of tracks played at the Chromix Vs. Kris Keyser January Pulsewave set.
Track 1: Pangaea(w/AdamGetsAwesome)/Only/Uncanny Valley/Bus Driver/Underwat.mod
Phlogiston – Geif
A medley of tracks written between spring 2007 and summer 2010. Music deliberately kept in sketch form, with all initial quirks and anomalies intact. Inspired by fictional places often revisited in dreams, enemies fought in video-games and biscuits dunked in coffee.
via Pause