2PP sez:
We put up an official version of the movie on youtube with all new annotations. Also the google assisted automatic closed captions are hilariously bad.
2PP sez:
We put up an official version of the movie on youtube with all new annotations. Also the google assisted automatic closed captions are hilariously bad.
Casual talk I gave at the CoDaMe ART & TECH party in San Francisco. I’m embarrassed that I glossed over so many details, especially with an original member of Future Crew in the audience, but I hope that I sparked some fingers to get into (or back at) being creative using code as their crayons!
Also want to mention that Sit Up Straight Kids (music for the Binary Alchemy production) was a musical collab with my :|kREW mate Albert who released a great catalog of his stuff as mp3s/wax at bbpwc.com/?tgnp020/?
More exciting coverage of the after-the-talks party is up on vimeo too! vimeo.com/?23732051
Chiptune artists ctrix, 4Mat, Stagediver and Bit Shifter at Blipfest 2011…using Amigas in live performances and proclaiming their awesomeness. Check ctrix also playing a Gatari! (DIY atari guitar).
via YouTube