- RT @HearJapan: The top chiptune artists in Japan chat with us over skype: #
- Gsw: In-Depth: Analyzing The 9th Annual Scene.org Awards – Part 1 http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2011/02/unf_9th_annual_sceneorg_awards.php #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • Live chipmusic this weekend: Copenhagen, The Hague, Kyoto, Manchester NH, New York, San Francisco, http://www.8bitpeoples.com/live_shows #
- wtnrradio.com Bitwalk to the Alps new chip radio with archives http://ht.ly/43BRE #
- RT @2pproductions: As heard in our Minecraft doc, @jasonsposa “Tones” Mini EP is out! #
- RT @battlelava: New favorite: Sabrepulse V Knife City – Untitled (UNFINISHED DEMO) by sabrepulse on #SoundCloud #
- The Glowing Stars Demo http://ht.ly/43Fds #
- SoundBytes 8 Featuring Cheapshot (JPN) http://ht.ly/43Gru #
Tag: 2playerproductions
TCTD Links for 2011-02-25
TCTD Links for 2011-02-23
- TiznajoS Graphics Editor: 2D graphics editor for Dingoo Dingux http://ht.ly/41WVG #
- RT @2pproductions: The Minecraft doc is now live on our Vimeo (http://bit.ly/dIZQTR) and YouTube Pt.1 (http://bit.ly/hiByLN) #mcdoc #
- RT @tymkrs: New Video! Commodore 64 Sid Chip Synth Part 5 http://youtu.be/g2o1r0ZPZyo?hd=1 #c64 #chiptune #8bit #propeller #parallax #diy… #
- RT @2pproductions: Podcast w. the great @ajumpsbshoots – – topics: #mcdoc our past, and games we like. #
- Digital Sound Chips – the home of the blue box synth from the underground scientists http://ht.ly/429eI #
- RT @goto80: C64 music-game from 1983, teaching stuff to make stuff. http://bit.ly/fFcFki #acid #
TCTD Links for 2010-12-16
- RT @8gb_: Rocky Memphis and the Temple of Ophuxoff is quite the MONTEZUMA’S REVENGE “clone” #
- RT @anamanaguchi: I am actually gonna dress up like this guy for our next show http://dobi.nu/yourscenesucks/nintendocore/index.htm #killme #
- RT @billiammcgee: Chiptune would be a cooler genre if there was more good chiptune music. #
- RT @chippanze: NEW EP [cp-030] Subway Sonicbeat – Railway Station 5. http://chippanze.org/12/cp-030-subway-sonicbeat-railway-station-5 #
- Does video game music deserve more respect? | guardian.co.uk http://ht.ly/3qgFb #
- Obvious Jokes about 8bit Pixel Safe Sex PSA – Game On http://ht.ly/3qoEG #
- RT @2pproductions: Hey Late Shoppers, gift our DVDs! last day for Free upgraded shipping in time for xmas! http://store.penny-arcade.com #
TCTD Links for 2010-12-13
- Gameboy VGA Adapter | RivalCorp http://ht.ly/3o2ix #
- CrunchyCo » In which I review 8bc’s weekly top track OR Why do they come to our concert to boo us? http://ht.ly/3o2k1 #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • Live chipmusic this week [02/02]: …Melbourne, Montréal, New York, St. Louis, Sydney, Tokyo, Vitoria. http://www.8bitpeoples.com/live_shows #
- RT @denpanosekai: Here’s the ???? opening demo, with a chiptune song from JulieHally! Awesome!!! http://youtu.be/XzzSB1isobk #
- RT @bleepstreet: Ready for this ? Coming out next on BLEEPSTREET! >- 486 -< True Chipstep in 4096 colors. http://fb.me/QiB6ntH5 #
- Studio Brussel: Vermin Twins ‘No effects’ http://ht.ly/3oksx #
- RT @gamesetwatch: 2PP’s Behind The Scenes Look At Naughty Dog, Uncharted 3 http://bit.ly/hBVFXZ #
- Aww Thx! RT @ZaxCG2 I’m just now starting to realize how awesome you guys are to the chiptune community. Thanks for geting news out there! #
- RT @2pproductions: Thanks @minusbaby @nmeunier @thesimplicity, @failotron for all the great music in our Uncharted3 doc http://aol.it/fOZlI3 #
- Thx Again! #warmfuzzies RT @lazybraingames: The dopest chiptune site on planet earth… http://bit.ly/fWl4aP #
- Dead Hackers Society : Checkpoint releases new demo http://ht.ly/3ozVq #