- Gameboy VGA Adapter | RivalCorp http://ht.ly/3o2ix #
- CrunchyCo » In which I review 8bc’s weekly top track OR Why do they come to our concert to boo us? http://ht.ly/3o2k1 #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • Live chipmusic this week [02/02]: …Melbourne, Montréal, New York, St. Louis, Sydney, Tokyo, Vitoria. http://www.8bitpeoples.com/live_shows #
- RT @denpanosekai: Here’s the ???? opening demo, with a chiptune song from JulieHally! Awesome!!! http://youtu.be/XzzSB1isobk #
- RT @bleepstreet: Ready for this ? Coming out next on BLEEPSTREET! >- 486 -< True Chipstep in 4096 colors. http://fb.me/QiB6ntH5 #
- Studio Brussel: Vermin Twins ‘No effects’ http://ht.ly/3oksx #
- RT @gamesetwatch: 2PP’s Behind The Scenes Look At Naughty Dog, Uncharted 3 http://bit.ly/hBVFXZ #
- Aww Thx! RT @ZaxCG2 I’m just now starting to realize how awesome you guys are to the chiptune community. Thanks for geting news out there! #
- RT @2pproductions: Thanks @minusbaby @nmeunier @thesimplicity, @failotron for all the great music in our Uncharted3 doc http://aol.it/fOZlI3 #
- Thx Again! #warmfuzzies RT @lazybraingames: The dopest chiptune site on planet earth… http://bit.ly/fWl4aP #
- Dead Hackers Society : Checkpoint releases new demo http://ht.ly/3ozVq #
Tag: 486
TCTD Links for 2010-12-13
8BC Tracks of the Week (2/1/09-2/7/09)
I just realized that not one song I’m about to feature here made last week’s 8bitcollective Top 10 Liked Songs list. This was not intentional. However, the result is a nice new list of tracks that most of you apparently haven’t heard yet. Enjoy these:
ogge – “hot water”
Peter Swimm was astounded I had never heard of this guy before. That being said, you now know that I didn’t pick this track based on ogge’s solid reputation. The beat is as hot as the title says the water is. The leads are boiling. Don’t just dip your toe in, DIVE.
exileFaker – “existential quantifier”
“First chip track I’ve ever managed to finish.” This chipper took the SOS Band’s advice of “take your time, do it right.” N00bs everywhere: FOLLOW SUIT! Great programming, slick leads.
Maskodling – “Studsbolls Trauma”
This is the wackiest DS-10 track I’ve ever heard. And pretty elaborate to boot. This is such a feel-good track the only trauma caused is the blow to your ego once you realize your own DS-10 skillz pale in comparison.
plasticSquirrel – “the haberdashery murders”
This is some visceral shit right here. Reminds me of the time I chugged a few Mickey’s while at a Wolf Eyes show then rode home at 2AM listening to Disco Volante.
486 – “White Lightning”
Man, everybody really steps it up for their 48 hour challenges, don’t they? My brother-in-law usually has a stash of this particular brand of moonshine and I can’t wait to crank this fucker up and guzzle some of that “powerful stuff. ”
Sparkyboy – “Blizzard”
Nintendude – “Burst”
kuryakin – “Rad”
surasshu – “Truth (NES cover version)”
chalices of the past – “Firstfrost”
(edit: the track “Wargames” previously listed is by artist Partick Wolf and was uploaded to 8BC without his permission)
And as always for those of you considering uploading a new track to 8bc, remember these wise words: QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY, SHOULD BE YOUR MAIN OBJECTIVE.
The Stupendous Return of 8BC TRACKS OF THE WEEK 09 DX
Hey Guys, sorry for the extended delay post blip, but here are some of the neat tracks I found in the last week or so on TEH H8BITCOLLECTION.
For the week of 1/13-1/22
failotron – Quater Of A Century – 3 hour hardstyle challenge
A kind of football hooligan/ Handel’s messiah concoction with soaring buildups and devestating breakdowns.
wedanced – The last symphony of December 21 2012 and 22 seconds after 48 hour challenge.
The ending is brilliant. Why do concept tracks seem to bring out the best in 8BC?
MattWilson – How To Kill a Man From Outer Space
A little retro, a little modern, manages to capture the Konami sound without being stale.
benanderson89 – Take The Money
I have to agree with Randoms comments, old school but tasty.
solo karier – darah muda
Catchy cat signing a nice doowop melodies caught my ear pretty quickly. I wonder if its a cover like their other songs seem to be? If not I hope they continue working on this direction.
BSK – Beijing Moon
What more needs to be say, other than BSK!! BSK!!! forever…
486 –8ECK-Gamma Ray
Beck and I have had our problems in the past, but this catchy remix of a great song is very well executed.