Tag: 8bitcollective

  • 8bitcollective Chiptune Wiki is back!

    logoWelcome to the new and improved 8bitcollective wiki! As of 16 June 2009, anonymous editing has been disabled. You may now log in with your 8bitcollective account. This way, the spammers won’t stand a chance! If you have any bugs to report, please report them in the announcement thread, or to staff a 8bc d org.

    via 8bitcollective Chiptune Wiki.

  • Today on the FMA: Hello World!

    fma-legal-music-5In which I introduce the FMA community to the wonders that is the 8bitcollective.

    God Help us all.

  • 8BC Tracks of the Week (8/2/09 – 15/2/09)

    logoWell, the time has come again for us to review what the hell is happening at 8bc.  I’m not sure what the hell is happening.  I gave a listen to all these damn tracks, and I gotta say, this was a slow week.

    I have no way to spin that.

    However, we were treated to a Famicompo runner up post by the nation’s favourite Zabutom, Zabutom.

    Retardation! – A feast of breeelionce by Sweden’s best unsung master of chiptune.  There’s a lot of hyperactivity surrounding some of the best self promoters (pixlh8), and virtually none surrounding the best composers.  Zabutom routinely tosses out chiptunes in every format under the sun that are better than anything any of us will ever create, and he does it all just because he likes tunes.  You need to learn from him.  (pixelh8).

    Cute Girl Game – Coda grants us a stay of execution with this sugary gubernatorial writ reminiscent of SVGA isometric windows games with inscrutable Japanese characters and the WAReZ bbs promise that the game DOES, in fact, contain nudity.  This song perhaps is that nudity.  It’s nakedly sappy and sentimental, but a masterpiece nonetheless of economy and fun.  Coda’s a grand master.  Enjoy some of his leavings.

    Periscope – I already really love J Arthur Keenes.  It’ snot because he’s Canadian, it’s not because he’s ontarian, it’s not even because this song reminds me so much of my (shameless plug) song Seigfreid.  It’s because he’s consistently interesting and nice.  His music is pretty, and interesting, different than the F G Am Em chiptune UNCE standard fare foisted on us by the NBCs of chiptune.  He’s got a real flare for detail, but not that kind of chaotic, Fighter X, 10,000 arps per second detail.  Actual, clear, clean, detail.  This one is nice.

    February – Being that Firebrandboy is Scottish I assumed this was a sequel to the classic Scottish pop song, January, However, it was not.  What it was was a stunning use of mssiah and midines and what i assume is a guitar (set to amazing) to create a slow, at first pensive but ultimately satisfyingly simple and lovely mixture of modern rock and, yes, even some DONK.  The sid has a magic ability to lay donks on things without donks becoming rediculous.  It’s why i favor the Donks de Side.  I also favor firebrandboy.  With my wife.   (he may be insulted by this, but shades of Coldplay, without the lameness).

    Honorable Mention

    Ending Credits – Ctrl Alt Destroy has a great name.  This song fits under the “doesnt’ quite make it” category, but is so close it deserves mention.  It’s a really lovely and nostalgic piece that really does what it says it will do, remind you of watching the Producer, Co producer, programmer, character designer, sound design, etc… credits slowly scrolling by while mario dreams of shyguys.

    Angel – Spamtron might aggravate some with his unique communication style, but no one can deny his skill with a tracker.  This might not be in honorable mention, except that it’s a .. well, remix?  revision?  reimagining?  it’s a kind of cover.. is the gist of what i mean.  It’s not precisely a cover, but you’ll feel the Mega Man 3 in there.  And the NiN.

    Jesusforce 4 – Swear, i wrote this song off right away.  The name of the composer is Glitterforce Mastersystem.  I listened to it out of justice and honor and being unwilling to call the songs I picked “the best of 8bc” without knowing for a fact that they were.   So I listened.  What starts as a relatively basic haircut romp eventually develops into lacunae of clarity and actually interesting instrumentation.  For parts.  It’s an honorable mention.  Barely.

    Remember folks, happy chipping.  And also, someone said something good to me today which i’ll pass along.  Time spend admiring your own work is a pause without progress.   Write more songs people.

  • 8BC Tracks of the Week (2/1/09-2/7/09)

    logoI just realized that not one song I’m about to feature here made last week’s 8bitcollective Top 10 Liked Songs list. This was not intentional. However, the result is a nice new list of tracks that most of you apparently haven’t heard yet. Enjoy these:

    ogge – “hot water”

    Peter Swimm was astounded I had never heard of this guy before. That being said, you now know that I didn’t pick this track based on ogge’s solid reputation. The beat is as hot as the title says the water is. The leads are boiling. Don’t just dip your toe in, DIVE.

    exileFaker – “existential quantifier”

    “First chip track I’ve ever managed to finish.” This chipper took the SOS Band’s advice of “take your time, do it right.” N00bs everywhere: FOLLOW SUIT! Great programming, slick leads.

    Maskodling – “Studsbolls Trauma”

    This is the wackiest DS-10 track I’ve ever heard. And pretty elaborate to boot. This is such a feel-good track the only trauma caused is the blow to your ego once you realize your own DS-10 skillz pale in comparison.

    plasticSquirrel – “the haberdashery murders”

    This is some visceral shit right here. Reminds me of the time I chugged a few Mickey’s while at a Wolf Eyes show then rode home at 2AM listening to Disco Volante.

    486 – “White Lightning”

    Man, everybody really steps it up for their 48 hour challenges, don’t they? My brother-in-law usually has a stash of this particular brand of moonshine and I can’t wait to crank this fucker up and guzzle some of that “powerful stuff. ”


    Sparkyboy – “Blizzard”

    Nintendude – “Burst”

    kuryakin – “Rad”

    surasshu – “Truth (NES cover version)”

    chalices of the past – “Firstfrost”

    (edit: the track “Wargames” previously listed is by artist Partick Wolf and was uploaded to 8BC without his permission)

    And as always for those of you considering uploading a new track to 8bc, remember these wise words: QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY, SHOULD BE YOUR MAIN OBJECTIVE.

  • 8BC Tracks of the Week (1/25/09-1/31/09)

    Pete’s sick with a bad cold. And sorting thru the 200+ uploads to 8bitcollective from last week isn’t gonna make the guy feel any better. I’ll help a brotha out. Here are the 5 tracks that I believe deserve some recognition:

    spamtron – “Daniel Liss”

    A “tribute” to VGM shred kid who uses the internet alias “Ashane,” this sprawling track hits the listener with some serious progression, melody and sick glitches atop blast beats that would make any head banger throw their metal sign in the air.

    Je Deviens Dj En 3 Jours – “Bencong”

    I did a google image search while at work and I think “bencong” is Indonesian for “tranny.” Regardless, this track kicks the ass. Also, I’m not usually a fan of tracks made in the nanoloops. Regardless, this track kicks the ass.

    Mahamajama – “Alright…”

    Here’s a perfect example of why it pays off to listen to EVERY uploaded track when compiling these lists: this wonderful XM track would have surely slipped under my radar, as it has been missed by all of you as well. The song’s gotten only a few views and comments but hopefully that will change soon. Also, get the .xm here.

    nobuyuki – “Take Me Home Tonight”

    Yes, this song by Eddie Money was a #1 hit years before the majority of 8bc members were even born. Nostalgia and lulz aside, this is a catchy pop tune and nobuyuki does a great job translating it into a chip track.

    Trim White Spaces – “The Golden Sherpa”

    Put some chemicals in your body, turn off the lights, turn up this track… and poop in your pants. I mean, I did. OK, not really… but you can imagine what it’d be like if you did, right? ;)

    The following also are not your standard 8bc uploads and are all well worth checking out:

    exnfox – “Crossing Guard”

    ast0r – “lover’s rock

    µB – “Maracas Demon”

    sixafterseven – “ituneshelper”

    Maskodling – “Egenmelding”

    And for those of you considering uploading a new track to 8bc, remember these wise words: QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY, SHOULD BE YOUR MAIN OBJECTIVE.