- Anamanaguchi uses game systems for unique sounds | The Daily Beacon http://ht.ly/4EqTg #
- RT @neonnoodle: chiptune is usually awesome, but rarely this dance-ready and assquaking. https://8bc.org/music/EvilWezil/Everything+Must+Go/ #
- RT @bleepstreet: –> here goes a little preview of an upcoming EP that will be released on BLEEPSTREET this Summer! http://fb.me/U7r5L1UU #
- Niyari brings back Atari 400 nostalgia with USB keyboard, Engadget http://ht.ly/4Evh9 #
- Ubiktune-v3 is out http://ht.ly/4Exgl #
- Glitchnes 420 http://ow.ly/1sBrYg #
TCTD Links for 2011-04-20
486 – “4bit 4reedom”
486 aka the486kid is a true inspiration in the current Chipstep sound. His music was inspired by the early 90?s Scandinavian Demoscene and developed through travelling with Technomadic Sound systems of the wild woods of Cascadia.
“4bit 4reedom” is the EP that brings us 10 years of research and production of pure digital soundwaves generated from hardware soundchips or samples recorded live through mid-90?s sound cards. After all this time, he has come out of his cave and is ready to share his dedication for Dub and Lo-tech music.
The 4-track EP, features a selection of tracks from 486?s Nintendub sessions of 2010. The EP was produced entirely in a solar powered mobile studio using a combination of vintage Samplers, Atari computers and modified NES consoles to get the ultimate Squarewave Chip-Bass experience.
TCTD Links for 2011-01-06
- RTP DVD review in Westword Denver: http://blogs.westword.com/backbeat/2011/01/stream_a_chiptune_documentary.php #
- Destructoid Too: http://www.destructoid.com/chiptune-documentary-reformat-the-planet-now-on-hulu-190901.phtml #
- Data Dance new chip night in Winipeg: http://ghostynet.wordpress.com/2011/01/06/coming-soon-to-winnipeg-data-dance-level-2/ #
- Nijuu updates: http://blog.ntrq.net/?p=452 #
- Rico’s Extended Module Jam#2 http://ricozerone.bandcamp.com/track/ricos-extended-module-jam-2 #
- RT @8static: Come out to the pre-show event and learn about chipsounds – with a chance to win a free copy. All info at http://8static.com #
- Nintendo Chords version 2: http://nickmaynard.tumblr.com/post/2614358527/version-2-of-my-nintendo-chords-program-updates #
- RT @bleepstreet: is proud to present 486 “4bit 4reedom” – our first fresh release for 2011 !!! Enjoy!!! #
- Pulseloop – 80486 http://pulselooper.bandcamp.com/album/80486 #
- RT @disasterpeace: Rise of the Obsidian Interstellar and Cat Astro Phi were featured on @bytejacker this week: #
- Anamanaguchi kicking off tour tonight: http://ht.ly/3zx7P #
- RT @FrankieBit The tune made by Julie and Saitone is the soundtrack of the new digital manga produced by Reiji Matsumoto of Daft Punk fame #
TCTD Links for 2010-12-13
- Gameboy VGA Adapter | RivalCorp http://ht.ly/3o2ix #
- CrunchyCo » In which I review 8bc’s weekly top track OR Why do they come to our concert to boo us? http://ht.ly/3o2k1 #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • Live chipmusic this week [02/02]: …Melbourne, Montréal, New York, St. Louis, Sydney, Tokyo, Vitoria. http://www.8bitpeoples.com/live_shows #
- RT @denpanosekai: Here’s the ???? opening demo, with a chiptune song from JulieHally! Awesome!!! http://youtu.be/XzzSB1isobk #
- RT @bleepstreet: Ready for this ? Coming out next on BLEEPSTREET! >- 486 -< True Chipstep in 4096 colors. http://fb.me/QiB6ntH5 #
- Studio Brussel: Vermin Twins ‘No effects’ http://ht.ly/3oksx #
- RT @gamesetwatch: 2PP’s Behind The Scenes Look At Naughty Dog, Uncharted 3 http://bit.ly/hBVFXZ #
- Aww Thx! RT @ZaxCG2 I’m just now starting to realize how awesome you guys are to the chiptune community. Thanks for geting news out there! #
- RT @2pproductions: Thanks @minusbaby @nmeunier @thesimplicity, @failotron for all the great music in our Uncharted3 doc http://aol.it/fOZlI3 #
- Thx Again! #warmfuzzies RT @lazybraingames: The dopest chiptune site on planet earth… http://bit.ly/fWl4aP #
- Dead Hackers Society : Checkpoint releases new demo http://ht.ly/3ozVq #
TCTD Links for 2010-11-05
- RT @plgdavid: First follower contribution to my research blog. Frank Wolf’s take on the SID ADSR: http://bit.ly/bksWs0 #
- RT @computeher: Check out Levar Burton introducing us our 8BW performance at the Indiecade Awards @ 14min 30seconds: #
- RT @bleepstreet: Je deviens dj en 3 jours “da chip” on Tiltmag! #
- Peter Berkman is the Monday morning quarterback of the chiptune scene http://ht.ly/35agI #
- Pixel Pushers, Famicom-Inspired Car Previewed http://ht.ly/35b6a #
- Customization-Friendly Renoise 2.6 Arrives; Duplex Controllerism Explained http://ht.ly/35ban #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • Live chipmusic this weekend : Amsterdam, Bauru, Bratislava, Dordrecht, Gainesville, Kassel, Landau… http://www.8bitpeoples.com/live_shows in reply to 8bitpeoples #
- RT @bleepstreet: Je deviens dj en 3 jours “Trashing Fakers” – Second bonus round @ Hype Machine !!! #