- RT: @minusbaby: New! Audio Doodle [12/13/09] on #SoundCloud #
- MJJ Prod's "Realtime" demo for the STe: #
- NTRQ video #4: Layouts! http://dutycyclegenerator.com/index.html#NTRQ-Video-4 #
- little-scale I.F.E: http://little-scale.blogspot.com/2009/12/little-scale-ife-2009.html #
- Christmas demos thread on Pouet is heartwarming: http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=7029 #
- Needs more blood: Zen Albatross' Unofficial Guide to Blip Festival 2009: http://tinyurl.com/ycsmbx8 #
- TCTD on the Radio! Tonight! The Blip Festival Warmup-Workout on WFMU's Sound and Safe with DJ Trent http://blipfestival.org/2009/blog/12/14/the-blip-festival-warmup-workout-airs-on-wfmus-sound-and-safe-with-dj-trent/ #blip09 #
- RT: @blipfestival: THIS JUST IN: HALLY from Tokyo, Japan joins CONDOM at the donor & artists-only event on Friday 12/18 #blip09 #
Tag: Blip Festival
TCTD micronews for 2009-12-14
TCTD micronews for 2009-12-12
- TCTD is ready for Blip: #
- RT @bleepstreet THIS IS BIT – music: dr. von pnok – brainswap (inglorious bitches mix). http://www.vimeo.com/8088670 #
- RT @leenirama It's 5:20am, but…hey…there's this: http://tinyurl.com/ybyyfra #
- mml via twitter is pretty kooky: http://www.16dimensional.com/sion140/ #
- ack! 2a03.org got nuked by an ISP issue. Bummer! http://www.2a03.org/index.php #
- Jason from the FMA posted some great Quarta330 tracks: http://freemusicarchive.org/curator/WFMU/blog/Phlow_Quarta330_and_Maltine_Records #
TCTD micronews for 2009-12-10
- 4-mat: 1989-2009: Chipmusic: Code: History http://chipflip.wordpress.com/2009/12/10/4-mat-1989-2009-chipmusic-code-history/ #
- RT: @blipfestival: On the Blip Blog: BlipTalk with The Hunters: http://bit.ly/7yOkXu #blip09 #
- RT @adamgetsawesome: @blipfestival My blip your own adventure video is posted!: http://www.vimeo.com/8104074 #blip09 #
TCTD micronews for 2009-12-09
- little-scale in adelaide matters: http://digitaledition.adelaidematters.com.au/#?startpage=48&iid=31748 #
- RT: @tinycartridge: “Family Don-Don” by YMCK, from Taiko no Tatsujin: Do… http://bit.ly/4L6HRV #
- Square Wave-based Additive Synthesis for Sega Master System: http://tinyurl.com/ycs3769 #
- RT: @blipfestival: On the Blip Blog: BlipTalk with Silent Requiem: http://bit.ly/6V1IIc #blip09 #
- http://www.raquelmeyers.com/?p=509 something else to do for blip visitors! #blip09 #
- RT: @blipfestival: On the Blip Blog: WFMU to stream The Blip Festival live! http://bit.ly/8mWXBt #blip09 #
- Chipsynth hits 2.5 #
- RT: @Nobuooo: Chiptuned Rockman producer talks chiptunes on TV in Sweden: http://bit.ly/7DfG4G in reply to Nobuooo #
- Octamed Jungle on Chip Flip: http://chipflip.wordpress.com/2009/12/09/octamed-jungle-with-mulder/ #
- little-scale: On the Use of a DC Signal as a Compositional Element for Sega Mega Drive http://tinyurl.com/yj56gro #
- Mountain Maniac from Pixel Jam with Mark Denardo rocks: http://digitaltools.node3000.com/blog/2017-mountain-maniac-by-pixeljam #
TCTD micronews for 2009-12-04
- shruti-1, a bleepy little hardware synth from the maker of bhajis loops: http://www.bhajis-garden.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=4059#4059 #
- Dear Netlabels: I hope you aren't above some electioneering! http://truechiptilldeath.com/awards/aw09/ #
- That whole MJ Doing Sonic thing making the waves, recapped: http://tinyurl.com/yg9ohyu #
- Microtonal Chipmusic Compilation looking for entries: http://little-scale.blogspot.com/2009/12/microtonal-chipmusic-compilation.html #
- Asif is totally ready for Blip Festival: #
- RT: @plgDavid: chipsounds xmas! http://www.8bitchristmas.com/ #
- RT: @blipfestival: On the Blip Blog: BlipTalk with Je Deviens DJ En 3 Jours http://bit.ly/8f1sfE #blip09 #
- MICROPUPAZZO "EATS YOU" http://coucounetlabel.blogspot.com/2009/12/free-download-coucou06-micropupazzo.html #
- porno uzi on gainlad si unsettling: http://gainlad.com/ #
- shruti-1 audio examples: #
- Hot new shirts from @StarscreamNY @nocarrier, via @enso_gfx http://enso.tumblr.com/post/269274994/enso-x-no-carrier-shirt-made-for-blip-09 #
- Checking out the 2009 TCTD FMA MIXES. Whatta lineup!: http://tinyurl.com/yfbnsqq #
- Blip Festival 2009 Lineup Announced: http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2009/12/2009_blip_fest.html #blip09 #
- RT: @blipfestival: Blip Festival 2009 Schedule Announced: http://bit.ly/blipschedule #blip09 #
- #followfriday The Retweeter special! @achkris @starscreamny @palmsounds @bltidm @minusbaby @freemusicarchiv @the_compiler thanks all of you! #
- RT: @animalstyle: working on some art for the MAGfest 8 sampler download… http://fb.me/3OX48UR #