Tag: Chalices of the Past
TCTD Links for 2010-10-27
- RT @zenalbatross: WHAAAAAT? @StarscreamNY music in the trailer for the American cookie-cutter remake of SKINS? http://www.skins.tv/ #
- FMA: HADOPI the French 3-strikes anti-piracy law/agency, meet Mr. Hadopi, the album by Vicnet on Da ! Heard It http://ht.ly/30cGX #
- Bleeper vs Chiptune vs FM vs Wavetable http://ht.ly/30f0L #
- RT @calmdownkidder: Get in the mood for Halloween, listen to some chipmusic Misfits cover songs!… http://fb.me/w4QObkJh #
- Nouse.co.uk » Chalices of the Past profile http://ht.ly/30kBS #
- RT @neuroflip: finalizing the demo song for the first release of PSGed #chiptune #msx http://psged.blogspot.com by aorante #
Chalices Of The Past – WIZARDZZZ
Hyperactive mutant pop music that seems to wonderfully combine the virtuosism of Max Tunda with the crazy data trash of GOTO80 using a variety of sound sources sequenced in LittleGPTracker.
Chalices Of The Past – LGPT1CH
For some reason August seems like a nice month for artisanal piggy glitchtechfunk, all lovingly hand crafted in one channel using LGPT. Oh, and we had a nice sunny warm day today in England for a pissy change.
via kittenrock.
Chalices of the Past: SLAMMMMMMMER
Lowbit fun with pig, lsdj and other circuit bent noise.
Chalices of the Past: SLAMMMMMMMER (2009)
Straight from the United Kingdom, Chalices of the Past shows its musical spice with lots of speed and mythical influences in an EP that will make your ears bleed. A head banger for those who already enjoy some Venetian Snares while taking a shower.
via [Chippanze] » RELEASES.