Brand new EP by Pulselooper. Loosely inspirated by Sao Paulo downtown and by William Gibson’s Sprawl trilogy. Breakbeats and techno made using synched Game Boys and Commodore 64.
DOWNLOAD mp3- 192kbps -35MB
via [Chippanze] » RELEASES.
South American Chiptune launches with some new, and some releases from the 56kbps netlabel. Go get:
[cp-008] TheTheThes: NoiseOnly (2009)
[cp-007] TheTheThes: Pixelized Human Being (2008)
[cp-006] NOIA: Live EP (2008)
[cp-005] The Homeless Ninja Robots: Isometric City Tour (2008)
[cp-004] Chalices of the Past: SLAMMMMMMMER (2009)
[cp-003] Subway Sonicbeat: Temple of Steel (2008)
[cp-002] Pulselooper: Cheap Pills for Chip Thrills (2009)
[cp-001] Droid-On: Introspective Bitdance (2009)
Chippanze é um selo/coletivo de artista brasileiros (ou não) de chiptune.Aqui você encontra downloads gratuítos de EP’s, singles e full-lenghts de música eletrônica feitas por aparelhos de entretenimento eletrônico. E também notícias, imagens, vídeos e discussões relacionadas a música, videogames e o que mais der na telha. Tudo sob a supervisão do nosso Chimpanzé Eletrônico.Confira os blips e glitches em nossos releases, e notícias randômicas na home.
Ou então, mande-nos um recado!
Lowbit fun with pig, lsdj and other circuit bent noise.
Chalices of the Past: SLAMMMMMMMER (2009)
Straight from the United Kingdom, Chalices of the Past shows its musical spice with lots of speed and mythical influences in an EP that will make your ears bleed. A head banger for those who already enjoy some Venetian Snares while taking a shower.
via [Chippanze] » RELEASES.