The most advanced 8-bit sound chip emulator is doing even more to save endangered sound chip species!
In addition to having a totally new Interface and improved sound authenticity, Plogue is saving 3 new sound chips from extinction and adds many additional features.
Video Edit by Max Deland
Music by Eric PatenaudeListen to the original soundtrack of this video here:…Will be offered soon as a free upgrade for registered users only.
Tag: Chipsounds
Plogue chipsounds 1.5 – Preview
TCTD Interview with AY-Riders’ Yerzmyey pt2
This is part 2 of an interview with AY Rider, Yerzmyey. Please look here for part 1.
LB – I think my favorite release of yours was FREAKuencies on 8BP but I like Interphase on DWD a lot too. Which of your own releases do you like most and why?
Y – Actually I don’t like very much my own music. If You ask me about music, I simply prefer AY-RIDERS’ albums. It’s good to gather a bunch of various people to get various and diverse album(s). Then it gets much more interesting. As for myself, I mostly try to fight with the AY’s limitations. :) It’s damn hard to force it to generate some _interesting_ synthethesized sound. All we get is only square waves or some acid noises. In contrast to the Atari ST, we use only original hardware posibilities or AY/YM chip, so the work is harder. Anyway, if You want to listen to good ZX Spectrum music, then don’t listen to my crap but go quickly and download AY-RIDERS albums. :)
LB – What inspired you to start writing music? Was is a particular song or game or person?
Y – Hmmmmm. From the music side in general, probably it was electronic music. Marek Bilinski’s art creativity or KOTO’s stuff… Also Vangelis, Jarre, Kraftwerk… Hm. From the game-music side, it was ZX Spectrum stuff, like “Agent-X”, “Chronos” or “Raw Recruit”. Generally – all the incredible stuff from Tim Follin. We used to say that they’re NOT games with musix but – musix with some games attached :)musix with some games attached. And for demo-scene inspirations, surely it was Ziutek from ‘Ethanol Soft Inc’ group, as well as Hacker Kicia (with his demo songs for SoundTracker 1.1 ZX AY editor).demo-songs
TCTD Links for 2010-05-29
- RT: @chipsounds: featured in “ultimate chiptune producer gear guide” on @MusicRadar #
- RT: @Nullsleep: Collapsed Desires Tour • Portland • TOMORROW May 28 • Backspace • doors at 8:00 • #
- Kansas, Improved: #
- The Magical World of Chiptune : #
- David’s brain hurts: #
- RT: @PalmSounds: Arduinoboy in a soap dispenser – Via Matrixsynth. in reply to PalmSounds #
- Sidstation for your iPad via Pheads ReBirth: #
Ghost Links from the Outage
- RT @8bitRolf Designing an OPL3 Game Boy Cartridge, fuck yeah. That said, nobody will ever write the code it would need. Still, fuck yeah. #
- RT: @richvreeland: “Marco Tannenbaumgartner”, new NES-style tune for upcoming game on @chip_music. #
- RT: @enso_gfx: This is definitely one of my favorite pixelstyle posts in recent memory: #
- 8bit Betty – Mostly Dead Music: #
- Frank Frazetta RIP: #
- Wired: 8-Bit Imagery Invades Music Videos #
- UDA made it into the onion book: #
- Hey Chip Artists: Despite our name, we think its alright if you stop apologizing for a release not being ‘100% Chip”. #
- TCTD Proudly Accepts the Chipflip award for TCTDness 2010: #
- Are trackers used in mainstream music (yes they are) #
- “gravity in terms of space time” by Starscream fan video: #
- mGB Editor for Ableton Live #
- RT: @8bitpeoples: • New in the store: V/A: Continue. Save. Retry. comp. CD, Wizwars, Receptors, PDF Format, lots more. #
- ChipFlip: Why the Demoscene is big in Sweden: #
- Spork? BitPunk? Movies? #
- Here is the chipmusic-less trailer #
- Family Twitter #
- RT: @plgDavid: The one page BASIC SID Benchmark! #
- Sid Player for Android: #
- VBLANKS YM synth in Make: #
- Superbrothers tribute to Frazetta: #
- “Whats Ghettoblastin?” (by Prepare To Meet Thy Broom!) #