- Why not just.. ignore the bad release ? #
- Chiptography: 8static June 2010: Collapsed Desires Tour #
- CULTURA CHIP Launched http://ow.ly/2jF5A #
- KEYGEN Music July + June 2010 MusicPack updates only http://ow.ly/2jFxN #
- Bible Belt Bitfest 2 Bootleg!. #
- Totally missed TCTD 1500th Pos!!t http://ow.ly/2jPCG #
- RT @56kbpsrecords: Quieres hacer #chiptune con tu Gameboy? tutorial de LSDJ en español, escrito por @analogchile -> http://bit.ly/ckJ0Tf #
- Even a Fart-in-a-Bag loves Heosphoros – Staircase http://ow.ly/2jRT3 #
- minusbaby Monday continues at @8bitpeoples with a bounty of phone and lap/desktop “Derecha” wallpapers. http://3.ly/8bp110gfx #
- Pocketmaster – ‘Residue’ review (french) http://ow.ly/2jYJo #
- RT @DorkShelf: Interview with @Anamanaguchi – http://bit.ly/bRzXjk The chiptune punk band behind the music in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World #
- RT @micromusic: Check out the first release of @ArcadeSuperstar, a Dutch chiptune friend of mine • http://arcadesuperstar.bandcamp.com #
Tag: Cultura Chip
TCTD Links for 2010-08-03