- 2-night chipmusic blowout? In *my* SXSW? It’s more likely than you think. Kickstarter campaign @ http://bit.ly/aWuyxN if you can help. #
- raww.orgy 2010 player: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=54392 #
- TAS In Session: The Depreciation Guild: http://www.thealternateside.org/news/2010/feb/01/depreciation-guild-studio/ #
- Datapop Partial lineup: http://chipmusic.org/forums/post/9911/#p9911 #
- Also on the FMA: Chromix: Drop the Beat Not the Game http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Chromix/Drop_the_Beat_Not_the_Game/ #
- Jamsbio reviews Kind of Bloop: http://magazine.jamsbio.com/2010/02/09/kind-of-bloop-an-8-bit-tribute-to-miles-davis/ #
- Discussion of IFD Atlantic Records signing: http://techdirt.com/articles/20100128/2014177968.shtml Interesting Indie versus Label Debate. #
- And the Interview that sparked the discussion: http://tinyurl.com/yh9cqf9 #
- Video Gamin (A_Rival Remix) – http://rivalrivalrival.bandcamp.com/ #
Tag: Datapop
TCTD Quicklinks for 2010-02-09
TCTD micronews for 2009-11-30
- Mega Man Doom Mo looks suuhweeeet: http://cutstuff.net/blog/?p=1677 #
- LSDJ 3.9.j is out: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/lsdj/message/10992 #
- PPMCK release9 ex5.1 http://clogging.web.fc2.com/husic/ #
- On the Blip Blog: Albino Ghost Monkey http://blipfestival.org/2009/blog/11/30/bliptalk-with-albino-ghost-monkey/ #
- RT @IAYD: fantastic photos and video documentation of Databeez/Datapop by SnuGG! photos: http://3.ly/MrV videos: http://3.ly/bez !!! #
- Ok ill double my Mega Man Pleasure with this rad megadeth tour poster: http://ironforgepress.com/blog/?p=189 #
- Chiptune Morning Zoo: #
- Little-scale wrote 30 songs in 30 days. Musicians, feel the shame: http://tinyurl.com/ybharm4 #
Datapop at SXSW
By all account it looks like a fun show. Some youtube videos have appeared online:
And there is this spazztasically positive impression of IAYD:
IAYD set was not the griddy, tailored fare you might expect from a the duo of hacked GameBoy casings he spent his set thumbing: It was a roaring, hideous, infectious, mindless, rapturous, caveman technosplosion that sent us all into fits. If chiptunery ever seemed cold or inhuman, IAYDs set flipped it right into hot and downright alien