- http://georgeandjonathan.com/thebestchristmas/ truth in advertising #
- Music by Mark Denardo RT @pixeljamgames – Release the rage atop the snowy peaks of the N. Pole w Mountain Maniac Xmas! http://bit.ly/euYmFV #
- RT @tinycartridge: Video: Samples from Famicom Christmas, a 8-bit Xmas music collection released last year http://tumblr.com/xkf14oss3y #
Tag: George and Jonathan
TCTD Links for 2010-12-25
TCTD Links for 2010-12-23
- George & Jonathan, Cheap Dinosaurs Headlines MAGFest Chiptunes http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2010/12/george_jonathan_cheap_dinosaur.php #
- RT @fluxjerk: My code for soft-resetting back to the menu works on EMS 32M carts. Will it work on 64M USB? http://bit.ly/eptsK8 #
- RT @heos2a03: Awesome new FoD song! http://j.mp/gtiXac #
- RT @zenalbatross: Digital “speed painting” by videogame artist Sparth • http://www.superbrothers.ca #
- RT @_lemon: Seasons greetings everyone \o/ here’s a xmassy chiptune cover for u: :) http://ht.ly/3tK4P #
- RT @chetreo: Hey! The Chiptune Blog wrote about my EP! :) http://bit.ly/i63OmJ #
- RT @ComputeHer Chipmusic now available on Playstation® 3’s Home! http://fb.me/R78kvVOa #
TCTD Links for 2010-12-23
- George & Jonathan, Cheap Dinosaurs Headlines MAGFest Chiptunes http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2010/12/george_jonathan_cheap_dinosaur.php #
- RT @fluxjerk: My code for soft-resetting back to the menu works on EMS 32M carts. Will it work on 64M USB? http://bit.ly/eptsK8 #
- RT @heos2a03: Awesome new FoD song! http://j.mp/gtiXac #
- RT @zenalbatross: Digital "speed painting" by videogame artist Sparth • http://www.superbrothers.ca #
- RT @_lemon: Seasons greetings everyone \o/ here's a xmassy chiptune cover for u: :) http://ht.ly/3tK4P #
- RT @chetreo: Hey! The Chiptune Blog wrote about my EP! :) http://bit.ly/i63OmJ #
- RT @ComputeHer Chipmusic now available on Playstation® 3's Home! http://fb.me/R78kvVOa #
TCTD Quicklinks for 2010-02-15
- Kochalka at the TCTD awards Visual Review: http://catsaregrey.com/2010/02/10/jameskochalkasuperstar/ #
- George & Jonathan open for GZA: http://vimeo.com/9409991 #
- XPMCK Release 28: http://jiggawatt.org/muzak/xpmck/ #
TCTD Twitter Posts for 2010-01-19
- Dubmood – Live at Blip 2008: https://web.archive.org/web/20120311222051/http://www.dataairlines.net:80/djsets/dubmood-live-at-blip-festival-new-york-2008/ #
- Betamod is back! http://betamod.com/ #
- Keygenmusic Updated: http://keygenmusic.net/?page=news #
- asciimeo is awesome: http://www.asciimeo.com/441217 #
- George and Jonathan (ex ‘gooch) on a booming system and great viz: http://vimeo.com/8844309 #
- RT: @gamesetwatch: Special: The Best Of The 2009 Demoscene, Part 1 – Demos http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2010/01/special_the_best_of_the_2009_demos.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+gamesetwatch+%28GameSetWatch%29 #