• Lil 8BP: New IAYD and STARSCREAM!

    Double Dipping with your favorite barely legal (and illegal) chip thugs, Starscream and IAYD.

    starscreamFuture and it Doesn’t Work

    In the not so distant future awaits the election of the first third party candidate to the White House- they will hail from the Space Party, a political coalition founded by astrophysicists, former democrats and ex-NASA employees. In their 8bitpeoples debut EP, “Future, and It Doesn’t Work”, Starscream tell a tale of victory, science, and potentially catastrophic foreign policy.



    IAYD makes his 8bitpeoples debut with “Supergalactic”, an invitation to get punched in the face by light-speed melodies and sound barrier-breaching beats. Embark on a journey through the cosmos with six, powerful masterworks crafted from the dregs of shattered asteroids and the rusted husks of space vessels. Pushing forward and brimming with profound sonic vivacity, “Supergalactic” leaves you with a greater understanding of the Universe.

  • Datapop at SXSW

    By all account it looks like a fun show. Some youtube videos have appeared online:

    And there is this spazztasically positive impression of IAYD:

    IAYD set was not the griddy, tailored fare you might expect from a the duo of hacked GameBoy casings he spent his set thumbing: It was a roaring, hideous, infectious, mindless, rapturous, caveman technosplosion that sent us all into fits. If chiptunery ever seemed cold or inhuman, IAYDs set flipped it right into hot and downright alien

    -The Phoenix