- ILKke has cleaned up goatrackers ui for better readability: http://ht.ly/383fc #
- CrunchyCo » Dexter – Dexter http://ht.ly/383ha #
- I/O NYC [US] NOV 07 2010 – Neil Voss | Shortsleeves | exileFaker videos: http://ht.ly/38oF7 #
- In Space No One Can Hear You Skweee | XLR8R http://ht.ly/38p5S #
Tag: ilkke
TCTD Links for 2010-11-11
TCTD interview with M4G developer Smiker
In the very near future Smiker, mitikoro and ILKke will release their long awaited GBA tracker “M4G”. Smiker was good enough to answer a few questions about the projects development, the motivation behind it and a hint or two about the future.
TCTD Links for 2010-07-20
- Boing Boing Game Dev Challenge: The Winners! http://ow.ly/2d2QX #
- Goto80 Mashed Up with … something – Mozilla Firefox http://ow.ly/2d2Vd #
- dma-sc music factory updated with new atari st and xbox360 tracks http://ow.ly/2d34R #
- Covox @ Rock Herk 2010 http://ow.ly/2dmF8 #
- SadNES’ 8-bit style cover of Chris Isaak’s Wicked Game – Boing Boing http://ow.ly/2dnJP #
- RT @jefftheworld: Best use for a Guitar Hero controller? Chiptunes, of course! http://bit.ly/bnGdB1 #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • Intern sought to assist with 8bitpeoples operations! Must be on-site in NYC. Interested? • internships@8bitpeoples.com #
- Wikipedia trolls strike again: Goattracker Page deleted http://ow.ly/2dCyd (thanks iLKke) #
- RT @nullsleep: Architect demos a system for creating chipmusic from 3D surfaces using Grasshopper & MML • http://pixelwhore.com/wordpress/?p=119 #
TCTD Awards 2009: Best Visual Artist
The life of a pixel artist is at once simpler yet more complex than that of the chip musician. They are constrained by their chosen platforms just as much as their musical counterparts, but lacking the crutches of sequencers and other musician friendly tools they have to reply on their raw talent and vision to create works that express their artistic style and voice. Here are your 2009 Best Visual Artist Nominees.