Seriously minimal C64 acidy techno. Kick drums and basslines only!
Seriously minimal C64 acidy techno. Kick drums and basslines only!
I did an interview with Jellica as part of this roll-call on 8bc
µB: Now that it has matured a bit, how would you describe the scope or agenda of Kittenrock?
Jellica: As somewhere to release chipmusic with a modern edge that moves away from the 80s and 90s demoscene and VGM styles. Obviously there are exceptions, and I love a lot of the music from that era, but I also enjoy a lot of modern electronic music. So it’s a way to combine the two. There are plenty of chipmusic netlabels that release a lot of pop, progrock and VGM oriented styles, but nothing much that really supported the more, I guess, Warp Records/Rephlex, Techno, Electro side of chipmusic.
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A chunky great slab of epic relentless dystopian Game Boy techno. While it occasionally strays into hypermelodic territory, it is quickly saved by inventive sound design, some wonky mess and the sense of space that using two synced Game Boys can provide.