Tag: Little-Scale

  • Little-Scales fatter SN76489 bass

    via 8bc

    Big Bass:
    Normally with the SN76489 (on the Sega, for example) there isn’t much bass at all (ie. the chip can’t go very deep in pitch), which is why I thought I would underclock a discrete SN76489 and see what it sounds like.

    Read more with audio examples.

    Let’s Change The Duty Cycle:
    Some further experimentation with the under clocked SN76489 revealed that it is possible to change the duty cycle of the sound output without too much effort.

    Read more with audio examples.

    Timbral Droner:
    A hypnotic droning sound, due to phase differences and duty cycle changes.

    Read more with audio examples.”

  • $1 Nanoloop sync

    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/j-jLQOo0slQ" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    So here is a very simple circuit that you can use to synchronise Nanoloop (for the Nintendo Game Boy) to a MIDI clock source (such as a sequencer or a drum machine).

    This circuit works and has been tested, but of course I can’t guarantee that if you build it, it will work. At any rate, at least you won’t be wasting much money because the only component that is needed is the 4017 IC, which cost me about $1.

    He has also stuck all his chip tech projects on one handy page.. check it out here

    Also congrats on his wedding!

  • Little-Scale moar LSDJKits

    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/OZawOVdG2hE" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Scriabin Kit

    Ellington Kit

    Hal8999 Kit

    Hal9001 Kit

    Nanoloop Kit

    And my Favorite:

    Mozart Kit

  • Yummy Atari Pokey Noise kit for LSDJ

    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/XpD_iwiGd4k" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

  • Little Scale – The Third Laser

    00-third-laser-cover-artLittle Scale writes:

    Just some straightforward Nanoloop 2.3 stuff – if you liked Five Step Plan, then perhaps you will like this. Written and Recorded in Mumbai, India, from 23.01.2009 to 25.01.2009.

    The original Lizard Photo was kindly supplied by Scott “Jacko” Jackson.

    Track listing:

    1. Hydrogen and Hydrogen and Oxygen
    2. Rejuvination
    3. The Man at the Edge of the World
    4. Third Laser
    5. S.O.S.S.
    6. Burglar Time!
    7. Upon Returning to Planet X
    8. You Are Alone

    Download it here: