- RT @AttractMode: Watch Starpause's live tracker demo from yesterday's workshop: http://bit.ly/110ZiY #databeez #
- An important message from Johan K on LSDJ Ebay vigilantes: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/lsdj/message/10980 #
- RT: @WFMU: Anybody out there an app developer for Android phones? email kenatwfmudotorg. THIS MAY HELP YOUR CHIP FESTIVAL CONSUMPTION. #
Tag: Littlegptracker
TCTD micronews for 2009-11-09
TCTD micronews for 2009-10-27
- New Hexawe: hex002A_little_hidden_caves_by_pak-0 http://hexawe.net/ #
- 8GB remix for minusbaby released! RT: @8GB_: LO NUEVO @ http://kikencorp.com #
- Little-Scale on RAM Music. http://little-scale.blogspot.com/2009/10/ram-music-audio-contortionist.html #
- Marc N on the Piggy to Daw creative process: http://nostromo.noisepages.com/2009/10/27/the-perfect-chain/ #
- The Depreciation Guild on BV live pics: https://www.brooklynvegan.com/the-xx-school-o/ #
- Big Sale: 8BP050 and Blip Fest 2006 DVD for $12/ea or $20 for both! | | https://www.8bitpeoples.com/store/product/71 #
- Mike Rosenthal talks all things Blip Festival on the kickstarter blog: #
- goto80 on cool lofo/punk/noise comp http://bit.ly/wXLwr #
- RT: @blipfestival: • Kickstarter campaign updated — rewards augmented, nothing removed. in reply to blipfestival #
TCTD tweets from 2009-09-24
- 60 min of tunes made exclusively with LGPT software, mixed to celebrate PULSEWAVENYC.COM party happening Sat, Sept 26 http://tr.im/zAqf RT #
- RT: @4mat_scenemusic: Decided to go freelance for a year, so I can mention I just finished working on Silent Hill SM: http://bit.ly/NntZL #
- ITP Party Rom Flier. Damn College Kids. http://bit.ly/n10MK #
- RT: @plgDavid: Is it a track or an excuse to show off presets? https://www.plogue.com/404.html #
- New split screen NES routine by @nocarrier: http://vimeo.com/6740666 #
- Pokey love from the Atari game YOOMP http://bit.ly/gY5dX #
- I agree with @offworld. What? https://boingboing.net/2009/09/video-jan-willem-nijman-takes.html #
- 60 min of tunes made exclusively with LGPT software, mixed to celebrate PULSEWAVENYC.COM party happening Sat, Sept 26 http://tr.im/zAqf RT #
Piggy on the Dingoo
Nostromo writes:
Without me really knowing, xzakox had been working on porting LittleGPTracker to a chinese PmP, the Dingoo A320.
Here’s an alpha build for lgpt running on Dingoo. Most of the functionalities are up so it’s a great little run.
Get it from there:
http://www.10pm.org/nostromo/lgpt/ghett … dingoo.zip
and a video from xzakox who has done the post:
Incidently, I’m going to get one so I can properly support it in the future and wouldn’t mind doing a standard exchange: I got two GP2x (a F-100 and a F-200) and barely uses the F-200
So if anyone’s interested in sending me a dingoo, I would send him the F-200 in exchange…
Contact him at his blog.
TCTD tweets from 2009-08-28
- RT: @littlegptracker: Shows once again the tool doesn't condition the music. http://bit.ly/oC3LW in reply to littlegptracker #
- Liverpool kids can get the new Pixelh9 DS software for free at his upcoming Liverpool appearance: thanks egr! #
- RT: @chipsounds: Gameboy phones out vs. chipsounds generated waveform. Is there anything different? http://bit.ly/3wA4Bf #
- via #tctd Coova's new project "THE HUNTERS" http://bit.ly/a9pkS #
- DND Usb Carts Porn: #
- RT: @littlegptracker: Coming Soon! http://bit.ly/oUzhp in reply to littlegptracker #
- In honor of the final episode of "Reading Rainbow" http://bit.ly/RgeCp #