Tag: lsdj

  • TCTD Links for 2011-04-25

  • TCTD Links for 2011-04-18

  • LSDJ updates and MIDI out with Arduinoboy


    Johan has provided a nice new treat, and released the experimental build of LSDJ with midi out designed by Trash80.


    There are 3 new modes:
    – LIVEMAP – Lsdj will use its own clock, but a incoming midi note will
    cue midi note # to song row # in live mode.

    – SYNCMAP – Lsdj will sync to incoming MIDI sync, and notes
    immediately change the song row #.

    – MIDIOUT – LSDJ to MIDIOUT. Each of the 4 gameboy channels send MIDI
    data on 4 midi channels by the use of effects commands:
    – N – Sends a MIDI Note – Absolute to the value placed in the
    effect. N00 sends note off, N01-N6F send notes 1 to 112.
    – Q – Sends a MIDI Note relative to the current channel’s pitch. The
    effect value is a offset. so Q0C in PU1 would send a note 1 octave
    higher than what Pu1 is currently playing. This is useful as a table
    command to track midi notes as normal notes in the sequencer.
    – X – Sends a MIDI CC – By default in Arduinoboy the high nibble
    selects a CC#, and the low nibble sends a value [0-F] to [0-127]. This
    can be changed to allow just 1 midi CC with a range of 00-6F, or 7 CCs
    with scaled or unscaled values.
    – Y – Sends a program/patch/preset change.

    There is also a new official version with the following fixes:

    011-04-03: v4.0.9

    * bugfix: repaired PC keyboard sync, has been broken since v3.9.a.
    sorry :( big thanks to Hannes Kraettli for report & help.
    * bugfix: copy instrument names when cloning. thx to Didrik.

    2011-04-03: v4.1.0

    * bugfix: repair PC keyboard sync for real. thx to Hannes Kraettli.

    I have been using the midi out hacks for a few months now and it is pretty stable, and extremely useful, so check it out!

    via lsdj

  • TCTD Links for 2011-03-07

  • TCTD Links for 2011-03-02