Chipmusic • Labels

New tracks from the QFS

micromusicRemember when people hated the QFS? That it was just pure elitism?  That seems silly now? Now we are BEGGING for a filter system. How times change..

  • Foe Paw              by The J. Arthur Keenes Band
  • Bits in the Sand     by Blue Pixel
  • Fast Heat            by Mr. Spastic
  • Club SID             by SpareTimeHero
  • Fuck You             by Uoki-Toki
  • nomad                by conquest
  • anonest              by rachitik data
  • high score           by pornotrond
  • Three Apples High    by Desert Planet

Grab them HURR.

Chipmusic • Labels • Live Events • Music Artists

Micromusic March Update

rockin’ new tunez presented and approved by the QFS:

Storm                    by Kyotosapian
Sh6w                     by Dr. von Pnok
Connect.                 by CS
dr. sleepgood 2          by pocketmaster
Barefoot Mailman         by stochastc
Valentine’s Day Acid     by Jellica
Jj                       by .sylCMYK

Also a number of events have been added to the list.

Chipmusic • Labels • Music Artists

Micromusic Fresh from the QFS

Blessed by the QFS

Blessed by the QFS

Micromusic has added new tunes to their online player.

rockin’ new tunez presented and approved by the QFS:

## : microjingle               by Receptors

## : Jabdah Maskinoperatör     by Koto
## : Deep Chip                 by elektrobot
## : Up Down Left Right        by Johnny Humanoid
## : Life In The Club          by Uoki-Toki
## : DATADUBB000111            by MODEK
## : Have Gameboy Will Travel  by Receptors
## : pop love                  by .sylCMYK
## : Shower Day                by Bokkob
## : Bitboy                    by K.Katt
## : tila_en_stereo            by Rainbowdragoneyes
## : Yozora No Hoshi           by Kayama Yuzo, gwEm and Counter Reset
## : Legg’s Express            by Bobby Shakespeare
(these tunez are from the april/may uploads)