- Hexadeci 7? – First Look! | Radiograffiti http://ht.ly/3DczQ #
- I couldn’t possibly make game boy music without this mod: http://ht.ly/3Dlle #
- RT @redditpics: Pixel Art and Chiptune Power in Hipster City Cycle http://bit.ly/etFHCF via http://www.redditpics.com #reddit #
- GameSetWatch – The Behemoth Reveals First iOS Game: Super Soviet Missile Mastar http://ht.ly/3Dob3 #
- RT @zenalbatross: • @georgeNjonathan, @minusbaby and @StarscreamNY are nominated for OSV Best Chiptune Album of 2010 • http://bit.ly/fxVyyq #
Tag: minusbaby
TCTD Links for 2011-01-13
TCTD Links for 2010-12-24
- RT @meanlittlebee Super dope friend of the Bee, minusbaby was kind enough to give us his Top 10. Check it! http://fb.me/BO5A84rA #
- HVSC updated to v54: http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=96557 #
- Wilba's SammichFM brings you desktop opl3 goodness: http://ht.ly/3u88Y #
- NEZplug++ updated via: http://www3.atword.jp/chiptune/2010/12/22/101222/ #
- Shrimps – Strut that Butt (live) http://chipmusic.org/bleo/music/strut-that-butt-live-by-shrimps #
- Little- Scale: plentyc by Tree Wave Remixed Using glitchNES http://little-scale.blogspot.com/2010/12/plentyc-by-tree-wave-remixed-using.html #
- RT @mattnida: I've done a Christmas tune! It has sleigh bells!:http://is.gd/joEU0 Chipmusic.org: http://is.gd/joERu #
- RT @thecmen: http://tokyo-demo-fest.jpn.org this might be interesting :) #
TCTD Links for 2010-12-13
- Gameboy VGA Adapter | RivalCorp http://ht.ly/3o2ix #
- CrunchyCo » In which I review 8bc’s weekly top track OR Why do they come to our concert to boo us? http://ht.ly/3o2k1 #
- RT @8bitpeoples: • Live chipmusic this week [02/02]: …Melbourne, Montréal, New York, St. Louis, Sydney, Tokyo, Vitoria. http://www.8bitpeoples.com/live_shows #
- RT @denpanosekai: Here’s the ???? opening demo, with a chiptune song from JulieHally! Awesome!!! http://youtu.be/XzzSB1isobk #
- RT @bleepstreet: Ready for this ? Coming out next on BLEEPSTREET! >- 486 -< True Chipstep in 4096 colors. http://fb.me/QiB6ntH5 #
- Studio Brussel: Vermin Twins ‘No effects’ http://ht.ly/3oksx #
- RT @gamesetwatch: 2PP’s Behind The Scenes Look At Naughty Dog, Uncharted 3 http://bit.ly/hBVFXZ #
- Aww Thx! RT @ZaxCG2 I’m just now starting to realize how awesome you guys are to the chiptune community. Thanks for geting news out there! #
- RT @2pproductions: Thanks @minusbaby @nmeunier @thesimplicity, @failotron for all the great music in our Uncharted3 doc http://aol.it/fOZlI3 #
- Thx Again! #warmfuzzies RT @lazybraingames: The dopest chiptune site on planet earth… http://bit.ly/fWl4aP #
- Dead Hackers Society : Checkpoint releases new demo http://ht.ly/3ozVq #
TCTD Links for 2010-12-11
- RT @starscreamny: Check out video from @Santospartyhaus taken by @fx6ex6 of, “Shred the Gnar (Into the Stars)” http://vimeo.com/17690021 #
- minusbaby -Various Artists “Songs for Staying Warm: A Holiday Compilation by Anne” [2010] coverart http://ht.ly/3ntCE #
TCTD Links for 2010-12-02
- RT @8gb_: I was keeping this one in the closet, so I thought I might release it. Part of the failed Euro Tour 2010… #
- Wack boy for life (the reactionary DISS) – Steady C http://ht.ly/3iHNy #
- GameSetWatch – MonkeyPaw Brings Dezaemon Plus To PSN Import Store http://ht.ly/3iSYb #
- A very Korg DS-10 Plus Christmas – Joystiq http://ht.ly/3iSZV #
- Chicago Chipmusic Event Video- 28 Nov 2010 http://ht.ly/3iWza #
- New JulieHally Tracks “check out “mamasen_op.zip” and “mar-mar-lade.mp3” !!! http://ht.ly/3j3uL #
- RT @minusbaby: • Opened an online pop-up shop. Buy 1 of 12 11”x17” posters chosen randomly for you for just $20 at http://minusbaby.com/shop #