Tag: MJ Mahon

  • Apple II DMS Music Software for sale

    Introducing the Digital Music Synthesizer for Apple II personal computers! The DMS is the only wavetable synthesizer for the Apple //e, IIc, and IIc+ computers that is suitable for performance use. It supports up to 8 voices, which can be selected from the 10 on disk, and played (monophonically) from the Apple II keyboard. It can be used to “record” a performance for later playback as well. Also, the DMS doesn’t require a monitor! Just turn on your Apple II and when the drive light goes off. Then hit the space bar you’re ready to play live~!

    Sounds on disk are: Acoustic Piano, Vibraphone, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Bass, Trumpet, Clarinet, square wave, sawtooth wave, sine wave, and (for Bud Melvin)… Banjo!

    Here is a mp3 demo*: DMS Demo

    * Sounds EQ’d with some noise filtering.

    Requirements: A2.DMS requires an Apple //e, IIc, IIc+, or IIgs computer with 80-column capability, at least one 5.25” floppy disk drive. Monitor is optional.

    Download the instruction manual here

    You can purchase it over at the 8 Bit Weapon Store. (thx 8bitweapon)