Tag: Seed A.I.

  • Resistor – Seed A.I.

    Resistor – Seed A.I.

    The urge to create is paramount, almost primordial. For better or for worse my approach is often reactive, a harmonizing of experiences and intentions. Of late this has yielded an album that reflects my fascination with and idealization of the chiptune scene. Each song therein has begged, borrowed, or stolen from those in whom I found inspiration. My hope is that an identifiable Seed A.I. signature pervades amidst these influences. What I do know is that while it has been a long and scattered process to get this work completed, every step of the way has been taken in fun, patience, and love of music. – BML

    via Seed A.I..

  • Circadian Rhythm by Seed A.I.

    Album review by Thom Uliasz:

    “I’ve given Circadian Rhythm a few solid listens now, and I’ve just got to say it’s turned out great. The title as a conceptual starting point, is dead on. Like the arpeggio that the album starts out with, climbing and falling and repeating – you’ve illustrated the cyclic nature of organic life by condensing a day into 9 tracks. Where modern electronic music relies so much on convention and short attention spans, you’ve got a volume here that is best listened to in it’s entirety, brimming with unusual notions and orchestrations. Overall, the album’s lush organics and digital sparseness really paint an inspiring picture of a day I’ll revisit again and again.”
