Tag: Sergeeo

  • CulturaChip MicroCompo Master System

    CulturaChip MicroCompo Master System

    Another defying and exciting compo comes from the worlwide alliance for retro-arts supporting in spanish/portuguese speaking countries, mostly known as CulturaChip. This time, Sega Master System sound chip, the SN79489, is the target of all aims.

    With the help of Delek’s emerging multisystem tracker (other plattaforms were of course allowed), Deflemask*, 4 chippers among CulturaChip held a fight against the limitations of this chip to get the hack right on the spot.

    Conceived by Sergeeo, organized by Rolemusic, and aknowlegded in the community forum, this compo started few weeks ago, with a deadline for track submitting from February 22th to the 29th of the same month. After the sonic harvesting, a voting were open to all the members of the forum from March 1st to March 3rd. Now the final score is out and the voting results are:


    1)Death on the battlefield…..rolemusic…….58
    2)Happy ending……………..sergeeo/yzyx*…56
    CC CompoSN79489*
    3)Lonely Robot……………..Pak-Zer0……..49


    1)Happy ending……………..sergeeo………27
    2)CC CompoSN79489…………..yzyx…………24
    3)Death on the battlefield…..rolemusic…….23
    3)Lonely Robot……………..Pak-Zer0……..21

    A nice html album cover can be found on the new section on CC’s web mesh in : http://culturachip.org/compos/?r=6

    Download link
    * Deflemask website: http://www.delek.com.ar/deflemask

  • I CUMPLE CC First aniversary release for Culturachip

    I CUMPLE CC First aniversary release for Culturachip

    The members of the spanish language community Culturachip.org had released this EP to celebreate its first year of online life.


  • Various Artists/The Dark Side of the Moon – The 8-bit Album/Pterodactyl Squad

    “Although attempted numerous times before, Pterodactyl Squad have finally done the original album justice with the definitive 8-bit interpretation of Pink Floyd’s progressive rock classic. Produced as an 8-bit mirror of the original, the music on this release was created using sounds from various old games consoles including the Sega Mega Drive and Nintendo Game Boy.”

    1. Speak to Me/Breathe – Bit_Rat
    2. On the Run – EvilWezil
    3. Time – khades
    4. The Great Gig in the Sky – Rabato
    5. Money – sergeeo
    6. Us and Them – Videogame Orchestra
    7. Any Colour You Like – Jason Vincion
    8. Brain Damage – echosignal
    9. Eclipse – Temp Sound Solutions



  • Kind of Bloop is out!

    backgroundAfter its release to kickstarter contributors earlier this week, Kind of Bloop is finally out. In case you missed it, This latest high profile chip tribute record finds some of the best composers in the scene performing tracks from Miles Davis’s Kind of Blue. While not a fan of this era of Miles Davis myself (Pangea!!), its kinda interesting to see the outsides world perspective to this “new to them” chipmusic phenomena.

    Time.com wrote (!)

    Miles Davis probably never played Nintendo. It’s technically possible; the genre-bending, stereotype-defying jazz legend lived until 1991, six years after the first Nintendo Entertainment System was released in North America. Who knows how the trumpet player spent his free time? He may have seen a video game, or even picked up a controller. But it’s a pretty safe bet that he never stormed Bowser’s castle or paused to appreciate the “piku-piku” sound that Mario made when he went down a tunnel.

    Maybe its years after reading articles that “don’t get it” but I found this article pretty fair and informative. Anything that avoids the character meats genre formula of writing can’t be a bad thing right? Here is looking forward to fresh takes on whats becoming a familiar concept.

  • Kind of Bloop: An 8-Bit Tribute to Miles Davis

    kindofbloop[Editors Note: Seems like they have already reached their goal, but have said else where that anyone donating will get a copy of the cd.. so consider this a preorder?]

    Excerpt from the man behind the project, Andy Baio: “What would the pioneers of jazz sound like on a Nintendo Entertainment System? Coltrane on a C-64? Mingus on Amiga? For years, I’ve wondered what “chiptune jazz” would sound like, but there are only a tiny handful of jazz covers ever made.

    To satisfy my curiosity – and commemorate the 50th anniversary of Miles Davis’s “Kind of Blue” – I’ve asked five brilliant chiptune musicians to collaborate and reinvent
    the entire album in the 8-bit sound.