- RT @thenexthope: 2 chiptune and circuitbending concerts featuring 8 bands and 3 visualists… BEYOND THE WELDING HOUR – http://bit.ly/bVGd8W #
- Skrasoft Dev Blog: Pokey Panel – Mozilla Firefox #
- On The @freemusicarchiv: Vimeo adds Creative Commons licensing featuring Bud Melvin #
- LSDj on Lameboy – note cutoff fix http://ow.ly/2boqy #
- 4th of July – Zen Albatross Fireworks http://ow.ly/2boD1 #
- Programmable Game Boy cartridge walk through – Hack a Day http://ow.ly/2bsxU #
- RT @8GB_: 8GB – The ??????? Complex, Premieres 4/5 September, TOKYO, JAPAN #
- RT @56kbpsrecords: del catálogo: Droid ON – Instrospective Bitdance { http://tinyurl.com/2cafgml } #chipmusic #brazil #
Tag: skrasoft
TCTD Links for 2010-07-15
TCTD Links for 2010-06-08
- game boy homebrew tutorial http://chipmusic.org/forums/post/25630/#p25630 #
- Shoot’em up Gametune by Fredrik http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=91985 #
- NSF Player for PC-8801 Series 20100601? http://www.geocities.jp/submarine600/html/p8/nsf_player88.html #
- Yatagarasu – Words June http://www.archive.org/details/WordsJune_613 #
- Skrasoft: More Pokey Audio http://skrasoft.com/blog/?p=246 #
- Available Soon: NES Front-Loader Expansion Port Connectors http://nesdev.parodius.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=6340 #
- Timeless Demo ported to Dingux: http://bit.ly/aJ5HSG #
- IFD Drummer in Chicago Tribune Jobs section: https://www.chicagotribune.com/ #
- k9d as VJ: http://dutycycle.org/post/673417635/last-thursdays-8bitsf-dutycycle-party-at-dna #
- RT: @Nobuooo: Gryzor87’s Hydorah soundtrack available for free download – http://nobuooo.com/item/7367 #
- RT: @demoscenepouet: New cracktro from AggressionAggression is back after what feels like fore… http://bit.ly/9jg23p #
TCTD Links for 2010-06-02
- RT @anamanaguchi I was just browsing reddit and saw a submission about us! COOL!! http://bit.ly/aLhiwr #
- Just unlocked some kind of chip music achievement by typing Gijs Gieskes entirely from memory. #
- A bunch of questions on this one: DMG-10 http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/694956536/dmg-10 #
- TCTD is proud to announce we are now ready to receive swag. If you distribute swag, please contact us to begin the beswagginging. #tctdswag #
- Star Road by Kitsune http://music.lapfoxtrax.com/album/star-road (via xcen) #
- Operation Nerdcore: Mega Ran & K Murdock’s Forever Famicom: https://web.archive.org/web/20160529140249/http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=9032343 #
- Skrasoft: Pokey Knobbed http://skrasoft.com/blog/?p=243 #
- Not chip-related, but won’t you consider checking out Baditude: http://baditude.bandcamp.com/ #
- RT: @8bitsf: 2 days left to save $ on thurs MASSIVE show. get your advance tickets NOW http://tinyurl.com/28r2584 #
- RT: @Nullsleep: Collapsed Desires Tour • Live recording of my set in Portland on May 28, 2010 • now available • #
- Sadnes – Fill My Head #
- NTRQ NSF conversion tools coming soon: http://blog.ntrq.net/?p=277 #
- Utter Mess by Edward Shallow http://edwardshallow.bandcamp.com/ #
- RT @nocarrier Wanna make your own pirate multicart for the NES? Now you can with my open source 9999-in-1 ROM: http://bit.ly/bsZvbR #
- RT @bltidm 8 Bit Weapon at Pulsewave May http://ow.ly/17zEgO #
TCTD Links for 2010-05-25
- new hexawe compo going on NOW http://bit.ly/aOmEvi #
- Music Radar ABC’s of Chiptune: http://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/a-z-of-chiptune-252264 #
- RT: @XC3N: DAYUM! Awesome msPaint is awesome http://jimmythumbtack.deviantart.com/#/d2nfnoe #
- RT: @RetroUSB: A few more RetroVision carts now available in the homebrew category of http://www.retrousb.com! #
- Eat Your World by Battle Lava – http://battlelava.bandcamp.com/album/eat-your-world #
- skrasoft pokey module updates: http://skrasoft.com/blog/?p=239 #
- Betamod profiled in RiverFrontTimes: http://bit.ly/dgKGdr #
- Ok this was a pretty interesting Crystal Castles interview: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2010/may/22/crystal-castles-guardian-interview #
- RT: @ChipNow: Even more cTrix in NYC, this time with added SABREPULSE: http://is.gd/cnMfD #
- Chipflip on Skrju: http://chipflip.wordpress.com/2010/05/20/passionately-fucking-the-scene-skrju/ #
TCTD Links for 2010-04-22
- RT: @pausemusic: The preferred way to say our name is “Pause”. In fact, this is the only way. … Hitler video on the subject coming soon. #
- RT: @speccynews: ZX Spectrum tunes remixed (some still in beta) and available for download as MP3s: #
- RT: @neilvoss: Doing a gameboy set under the stage name ‘much more!’ for the next engadget show, this saturday _ http://bit.ly/nvgadget #
- Skrasoft on FPGA Pokey Aliasing: http://skrasoft.com/blog/?p=231 #
- RT: @PalmSounds: 8Bit on Sunvox Part2 – Another handy tutorial on Sunvox.Sunvox at the app store: http://ow.ly/178HYk #
- RT: @4mat_scenemusic: Gave the new Spectrum 48k tracker a go for fun. 1-bit sound out of a tiny beeper speaker! Argh :) http://twaud.io/SCN #
- RT: @depreci8onguild: Just a reminder, you can stream our new album at Spinner, this week only. http://bit.ly/auZtOM #
- RT: @mikearosenthal: Bent Festival starts tonight: http://www.bentfestival.org Can’t believe it’s in its 7th year already… #
- Motherboard is giving away free Bent Fest passes: http://bit.ly/bca185 #
- Nerdapalooza Announced: http://gamemusic4all.com/wordpress/2010/04/nerdapalooza-announces-bands-venue-and-date/ #
- The power of monthlys: http://b-knox.com/155/loblast-developing-a-regular-event-in-ann-arbor/ #