Tag: sunvox

  • Odds and Ends from Twitter 2009-06-27

  • Sunvox 1.3 is Out

    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Auiv49gqmQA" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Here’s what’s new in v1.3:

    • fixed bug with ping-pong loop in the “sampler”;
    • fixed bug with big values in scrollbars;
    • fixed bug with wrong song lenght calculation;
    • fixed bug with panning in the FM synthesizer;
    • new keyboard shortcuts: F9 – play; F11 – play pattern; F12 – stop;
    • added new parameter “P.Modulation” to the “generator” for phase modulation with input signal;
    • added possibility to load samples from RAW and JPEG files;
    • added support of 32-bit (floating point) samples;
    • added new effect 8 – arpeggio;
    • added new effect 9 – set sample offset;
    • added new simple examples: phase_modulation, phase_modulation2, arpeggio;
    • added right-click pop-up menu in the pattern/synth editors;
    • added button for changing the piano keyboard size;
    • added UTF-8 support to engine;
    • pattern icons became resizable in the timeline window;
    • now the timeline and the synths network may be shown at the same time if initial window size is greater than 640×480;
    • inproved ALSA support (thanks to Will Light);
    • updated manual;
    • code optimization;
    • fixed various small bugs.



  • Sunvox 1.1 Appeared

    Sunvox is a modular synth/tracker. I have used it before, and it gets some cool chippy sounds with very minimal hardware requirements.

    A web of sound
    A web of sound


    * Modular interface.
    * Highly optimized synth algorithmes.
    * Flexible architecture: SunVox can working on variuos devices. For example: PDA with slow CPU – 16bit sound (fixed point arithmetic); or big PC with powerfull CPU: 32bit sound (floating point arithmetic).
    * SunVox engine (without GUI) is open source and distributed under the terms of BSD license.
    * Built-in synthesizers:
    o FM synthesizer;
    o Generator (saw,triangle,square,noise waveforms);
    o Sampler (supported formats: WAV, XI);
    o SpectraVoice (FFT-based synth for analog-like pads);
    o Kicker;
    o Stereo Delay;
    o Distortion;
    o Echo;
    o Filter (Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, Notch);
    o Flanger;
    o LFO;
    o Loop;
    o Reverb (with DC Blocking Filter).
    o Vocal Filter
    * Supported platforms: Windows, Linux, PalmOS, WindowsCE.
    * Export to WAV.