Tag: themindofpat

  • Midi synth Control of the atari 2600

    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/E_6CYywmKzs" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    ThemindOfPat writes:

    Sort of like synthcart, only with more synth and less cart! Less hacking/drilling a vintage VCS, too.

    After months of distraction I finally got around to implementing: 1) my own clock so I don’t need an Atari MB, and 2) MIDI control. Laughably enough, it took me like 2 hours, so it was a welcome break from banging my head against other projects for days straight. I’m quite pleased with the results! Still would like to add a couple features but this is enough to run genuine “Atari sounds” off my sequencer… good enough for government work, as they say!

    Ignore the JX-3P and PG-200 in the background, those are for another project that I’ll stick up in a couple weeks. :)

    Also please ignore the distortion and amount of times I say “um.” I’m still getting used to recording myself.

    Questions welcome! Enjoy!

    PS: It pains me to use the tags “circuit” and “bending” just because I hate that cliche so much. Plus that crowd seems to more enjoy glitching known hardware rather than building predicable stuff from scratch. Still, hopefully it will be, as the internet says, relevant to their interests.