Thx b00daw
Tag: trilobit
Best Demo Production I
The demoscene, largely unknown to a lot of chip-people (specially those of the young/neophyte type), is in my regard, one of the biggest nurturers of today’s chipmusic. A lot of your nowadays inventions for “contemporary chipmusic” have come out of the minds and style of these (mostly) european whizzes, who hack at their keyboards marvelous code routines that try to get the most out of their hardware of choice.
Of all the demoscene of today, the branch most related to us and, to me, the most interesting one, is the “oldschool demoscene”, where old computers are milked way, way past their original limitations, putting the old saying “teaching an old dog new tricks” to very good use.
With no further to add, I present you to the first nomination in these series.
Doctor, by Trilobit
[Atari 2600][kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Doctor by Trilobit Atari 2600 Demo
2600 democrew Trilobit posted their new Atari demo on pouet. Check it out here:
I promise to have more anigifs in the future.