- Reformat the Weather Channel (Bit Shifter Cover) – µB http://ow.ly/2Fhu7 #
- Bestival: A Review with unicorn kid #
- RT @ZenAlbatross: Listen to Episode 8 of our bi-monthly game music podcast, Original SoundCast: #
- Pi House Generator (2008) – Paul Slocum http://ow.ly/2FlNx #
- Gold Panda on the beauty of the GameBoy http://ow.ly/2FkIs #
- Oven Rake – Dead Bear Mountain http://ow.ly/2FmH3 #
- ViRT – Contra Bebop! http://ow.ly/2FnDJ #
- Chiptuned: Audio Attack Formations of 8 Bit Weapon #
- RT @ahpook: Why did Spark make a whole album of 8-bit chip dubstep? WHO CARES ITS TWO BUCKS http://enpeg.com/discography.php?catno=41 #
Tag: Unicorn Kid
TCTD Links for 2010-09-16
TCTD Links for 2010-07-13
- Fair and Balanced chip music: Br1ght Pr1mate @ FOX http://ow.ly/29Unf #
- RT @jefftheworld: @TCTD FanExpo chip show: me, Eastern Blok, deadbeatblast, Oxvylu, DJ Finish Him + Mr. Furious IN: Killah Tape, J…. #
- Mister Beep – Binary Universe #
- Feryl – “The Last of Autumn” Teaser #
- RT @8static: Animal Style’s LSDJ talk from last night is already up on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/13240905 #
- Take you out {midines, guitars, vocals} – sadnes http://ow.ly/29UyH #
- ODD017 – The Smittens Baby, Don’t You Know? (Kochalka Quality Mix by James Kochalka) http://ow.ly/29Uxp #
- Matt Nida’s Piggy to Roland tape sync Mod http://ow.ly/2abAX #
- Q A: cTrix Ignites Dancefloors With 512KB of RAM | Motherboard http://ow.ly/2aeP8 #
- ANSI MIDIo Kit : Drawing Ki and Preorder #
- RT @blipfestival: • BLIP FESTIVAL SCANDINAVIA • September 17-18, 2010 • Platform 4 • Aalborg, Denmark • http://scandinavia.blipfestival.org #
- DiHalt’2010 compo results – #
- Baldwin’s Pulsar Synth Demo 1 http://ow.ly/2apoV #
- RT @GoshaDole: Chip tunes panel at PAX this year! http://www.crunchyco.com/2010/07/crunchyco-chiptune-panel-pax-prime/ #
- RT @deamonmusic: Just read an interview where the interviewer asked Unicorn Kid “Which comes first, the music or the lyrics ?” He makes… #
TCTD Links for 2010-04-13
- RT: @chip_music: ATTN NETLABELS: This is all. #
- RT: @enso_gfx: My photos from 8static: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ensographics/sets/72157623716941235/ #
- DMG Video Out Mod: Greyscale VIZ please. #
- Gorillaz remixed by Unicorn Kid: http://pitchfork.com/news/38467-listen-gorillaz-remixed-by-unicorn-kid/ #
- Skrasoft: SID Oscillator Verilog Fun http://skrasoft.com/blog/?p=222 #
- Is the scene, a sect? http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=7297 #
- Crashfaster Interviewed: http://www.indiegames.com/blog/2010/04/gdc_video_crashfaster_gamma_iv.html #
TCTD Links for 2010-04-02
- minusbaby fonts for your rooted android phone with TYPE FRESH: #
- RT: @demoscenepouet: 30 tunes in 30 days by Rebb: Inspired by 4-mat’s journey on 30 son… http://bit.ly/9UzRRJ #
- Shadowrun Portable Pixel Art looks nice as well: http://tinycartridge.com/post/490167617/screenshot-from-shadowruns-handheld-port-well #
- Unicorn Kid better stay away from giant straw filled men: http://bit.ly/9sqYLB #
- e were wearing lion hats. I’ve got lights installed in the eyes now and it will look amazing.” SOUNDS AWESOME. #
- RT: @4mat_scenemusic: occasionally I’ve been doing some lo-fi chiphop stuff as ‘The Amber Room’ : https://kitsch-bent.com/music/TheAmberRoom/Lead+Sister/ #
Open Thread: Compare and Contrast
RWAR!! PRRR!@ PRRR http://thephoenix.com/Boston/Music/84270-Bit-players/
Berkman may confess that playing Game Boys on stage is “inherently absurd,” but he’s deeply gratified that Anamanaguchi have earned respect and admiration within the 8-bit community, even as they’ve diverged from the purists. “I feel like it’s not like the Good Charlotte situation in punk where we’re, like, ruining it. It’s definitely more accessible than other 8-bit music, but I don’t think it sacrifices the core values of it. I think it’s more of, like, a Rancid than a Good Charlotte situation.”
Sabin does not take his cue from the capital’s burgeoning folk scene as one might suspect, however. “My music follows the aesthetic of chiptune: it’s a big influence but it’s not the whole story,” he offers. “I suppose you could call me 8-bit dance”. To the uninitiated, chiptune is the result of sampling old, bashed-in computer games to make high tempo dance music.
Do you feel the chipmusic meme bullies artists to tow a certain party line when it comes to speaking about how they approach their music? Is it a requirement to name check the demo scene and the hacking tradition in every contact you have with the media? At what point is an artist free to promote themselves, rather than worry about being a figurehead for the “scene”